The Student Room Group


I was wondering about what people think constitutes an alcohlic. I drink **** loads but i'm a binge drinker rather than a constant drinker.

But by some definitions i fall into this category. I get pissed at least 3 times a week, have heavy hangovers and have occasionally through lack of sleep after a night out missed 9 o' clock lectures. Also, when i have a drink i usually end up binging.

HOWEVER, I don't need alcohol for confidence. it is certainly not a crutch or anything. I just like the feeling of being hammered. I still did it all the time when i was with my gf. Do you think i might be physically adicted. I think i'm going to lay off a few weeks, do a bit of work and see if i feel angry, depressed or anything. if i do then i'll stay off it completely.

People always joke saying 'oh you're an alky you are' and its starting to get me paranoid. does anyone else consider themselves a heavy drinker?

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Reply 1
People will say things like "Oh you're an Alky" but the truth is most people don't understand what an alcoholic really is. I would say your drinking was normal, but if it doesn't feel right for you then maybe you should cut down. You don't need to cut it out altogether unless you really want to, chances are it will make you depressed and irritable because you will be missing out on fun with your friends.
Reply 2
You're worried enough to make a post on TSR about it, so maybe you should see someone? You could look on the AA website, it might give you useful info.

As you're aware of what you drink, its likely that you aren't an alcoholic, as they're usually in denial. Try and give up for a bit, like you say, and see how you go. :hugs:
Reply 3
Well at least you're questioning it. Alcohol IS becoming more and more accepted.. even excessive drinking. My uncle became an alcoholic in his 20's and recovered when he was around 30.He now 'coaches' people who are trying to get out of the addiction. To be honest, aftre hearing some of the cases he deals with, you aren't as bad as them so don't worry too much but don't ignore it either.
Reply 4
You may not be an alcoholic, but by the sound f it you're not doing your liver any good.

This is my most hippocritical post ever.
Reply 5
you're not an alcoholic but you might have to slow down on the drinking...

being an alcoholic means your day's are crap when you don't drink alcohol....and with that i mean starting drinking as soon as you wake up.
then people will start asking "what's wrong with you today?" if you havn't had enough alcohol that day...and only because you look terrible and act totally different witout the alcohol your used to.

get some help on why you drink so much, and solve it can be solved...carrying on like that will make it worse.

i did it and so can you :wink:
Reply 6
Alcohol IS becoming more and more accepted

It's been accepted for centuries, doofus.

being an alcoholic means your day's are crap when you don't drink alcohol....and with that i mean starting drinking as soon as you wake up.

Not true, my mum is a certified alcoholic, but she very rarely starts drinking before about 7pm. The idea that alcoholics are drunk all the time is a misconception... it's about the inability to cope with things without resorting to drinking.
It's been accepted for centuries, doofus.

Binge drinking (and probably alcoholism) have been around for millenia, even. Waaaay BC.
Generally speaking I drink on average 3 nights in two weeks, and i normally have around 3-7 drinks. I rarely have the odd one, its just on those specific occasions when im going out to a bar/club or going to a friends room.
I was wondering about what people think constitutes an alcohlic. I drink **** loads but i'm a binge drinker rather than a constant drinker.

But by some definitions i fall into this category. I get pissed at least 3 times a week, have heavy hangovers and have occasionally through lack of sleep after a night out missed 9 o' clock lectures. Also, when i have a drink i usually end up binging.

HOWEVER, I don't need alcohol for confidence. it is certainly not a crutch or anything. I just like the feeling of being hammered. I still did it all the time when i was with my gf. Do you think i might be physically adicted. I think i'm going to lay off a few weeks, do a bit of work and see if i feel angry, depressed or anything. if i do then i'll stay off it completely.

People always joke saying 'oh you're an alky you are' and its starting to get me paranoid. does anyone else consider themselves a heavy drinker?

I would say that you're not an alcoholic, but your relationship with alcohol is not healthy and could lead down this path. You just need to cut down to a sensible amount. Having said that, many alcoholics are never binge drinkers when they're younger. My Mum didn't start drinking (like, at all) until she was in her 30s!
Reply 10
you're right. i'm not an alcoholic but i need to cut down for health, financial and social reasons. I tend to bull**** when i'm pissed and this can lead to embarrassing convos the next day.

Trouble is, i row, shoot and am secretary of a drinking society. Formal almost every night if i want it. Curries, clubbing, academic dinners. The opportunity to get pissed every night is inescapable. Maybe i should go out on the sober some nights, or maybe limit myself to four pints of stella, or say that i'm not going to Cindy's after and stick by it.

other than that, i can just carry on living the booze fueled life and quit it almost totally when i leave cam and get a job.
I've been drinking healivly for the last week or so (tho it was depression-related) but i'm cutting down at the moment...
my mums an alcoholic, its not nice. Cut down RIGHT NOW. Or if you carry on you will eventuly die.
Reply 13
Trouble is, i row, shoot and am secretary of a drinking society. Formal almost every night if i want it. Curries, clubbing, academic dinners. The opportunity to get pissed every night is inescapable. Maybe i should go out on the sober some nights, or maybe limit myself to four pints of stella, or say that i'm not going to Cindy's after and stick by it
I think limiting yourself to a few pints would be the thing to do. That's certainly what I've been doing :smile: I drink until I start getting a headache then I decide to stop (I MAY have one drink after this point, though)...have never been drunk and never had a hangover, but I still fully enjoy the nights out :smile:

I've been drinking healivly for the last week or so (tho it was depression-related)
Yep, I know what that's like...

Cut down RIGHT NOW. Or if you carry on you will eventuly die
Eventually we're all going to die.......oh wait, you mean he'll die sooner rather than later if he continues drinking? Well, it's possible, though it's not guaranteed - health risks are highly increased by frequently drinking "large" quantities of alcohol, but there are extreme measures that can be taken to help lengthen the life expectancy of the person should it ever get that bad.
Reply 14
my mums an alcoholic, its not nice. Cut down RIGHT NOW. Or if you carry on you will eventuly die.

my mum is also an alcoholic, sometimes she will get drunk ALL weekend and will get up at 3 or 4 in the morning and start drinking and will still be sozzled at 11am in the morning, then will drink more untill she has to get up 4 work on monday, in the week she's not as bad but still drinks way too much, and your right, it isnt nice, me and my mum have had 1,000's of arguments and fights over her drinking and has made me loads of promises to stop, yet always has broken them. My dad has completely given up on her and its not encouraging that she comes out with things such as, she wants to end up like george best and i really worry for her health. i could go on all week about this but i'll cut it there!
Reply 15
George Best is dead. Did anyone see the pics of him on the fron of Sunday's News of the World. That man was drinking wine and stuff as soon as he got up. I only found out today.

which makes me feel guilty for my recent lapses into pissedness. i didn't drink for a few days leading up to drinking society initiations as i'd promised but on the night we did a little party out in the orchard. i'm president so was challenged with a bucket of vodka jelly. ended up downing the whole lot, which apparatly had 250ml of vodka in (didn't know at the time). then went to formal and drank a bottle of white, then went to cindies and drank a good few Stella's. That's binging and i woke up in the morning feeling the shittiest i've felt in ages.

but then i layed off till this tuesday when we did a curry. some of the boys were sick but i took it easyish. went out on wednesday and had another easy one. but then went out to formal and clubbing last night and had another really heavy night with the new liscensing laws. i'm concerned that i'm doing too much in one go, like Bestie did his week long sessions in Majorca, but its just the way my social life falls.

how do you reckon i should cut out alcohol from my social life seen as it revolves around a drinking society, formals, pennying and cindies.

its also costing me loads, and i get arrogant when pissed and less nice so i'm told.
Reply 16
I was wondering about what people think constitutes an alcohlic. I drink **** loads but i'm a binge drinker rather than a constant drinker.

But by some definitions i fall into this category. I get pissed at least 3 times a week, have heavy hangovers and have occasionally through lack of sleep after a night out missed 9 o' clock lectures. Also, when i have a drink i usually end up binging.

HOWEVER, I don't need alcohol for confidence. it is certainly not a crutch or anything. I just like the feeling of being hammered. I still did it all the time when i was with my gf. Do you think i might be physically adicted. I think i'm going to lay off a few weeks, do a bit of work and see if i feel angry, depressed or anything. if i do then i'll stay off it completely.

People always joke saying 'oh you're an alky you are' and its starting to get me paranoid. does anyone else consider themselves a heavy drinker?

why don't you stop drinking for a couple of weeks and see how it affects you? :smile:
Reply 17
14 kabs
why don't you stop drinking for a couple of weeks and see how it affects you? :smile:

it wont affect me that much. i'll just be a bit pissed off that all my mates are going out and i'm staying in on the sober.
it wont affect me that much. i'll just be a bit pissed off that all my mates are going out and i'm staying in on the sober.

I used to drink an unhealthy amount and now I don't drink at all. I have to say, if you're not very confident, then not drinking at socials is difficult. But you sound pretty confident anyway, so I can't see you'll have trouble. You'll definitely notice how not-funny drunk people are though!
Or, if you don't want to stay sober, just keep on alternating soft and alcoholic drinks. Chances are nobody'll notice anyway.
EDIT: and what's that about staying in? go out and stay sober, it's not that hard :rolleyes:
Reply 19
whenever i go out i get hammered and it all seems a good laugh, but you are right, i'd hate to watch a video of myself completely out of it. When i hear stories the next morning i'll always try to laugh them off but secretly cringe. One of the worst things ever is being soberish around drunks.

my ex used to drink like a fish. it was always embarassing meeting her after formals and she'd be falling over, dropping stuff, spewing everywhere talking absolute ****. that was one of the reasons it ended although i never mentioned it to her. maybe i should have?

i've become just as bad probably tho, although without the sickness. letching at every girl in sight. slurred speech. stagger. rudeness. arrogance. random ********ting i'm sure its all true, you just don't know when you're in that state.