The Student Room Group

Whats your favourite union night??

Whats your favourite union night of the week???

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Reply 1
Aren't they all the same, just the branding is different? Where's the "none of the above" option?
Reply 2
I havent been to rubber duck yet! :frown:. Everyone says it's really good but I always seem to be busy or whatever on wednesdays (or else, like tonight, I'm sitting in my room watching Lost). So Come Play is probably my favourite out of the ones I've been to.
Rubber duck is ****.

Come play is amazing.
Fun Factory when they're not playing drum and bass.

A bit of Come Play is always appreciated though :smile:
Reply 5
Fun factory has to be the best for me I think. It's free, my kind of music (with exception to drum and bass), cheap drinks, free, good laugh, free, good atmosphere. Haven't been to Rubber Duck yet. Been to Come Play and that was alright. Haven't been to Fat Friday either.

Freak Factory tomorrow :wink:
Reply 6
I reckon its awesome when they crack out a bit of drum and bass! it gets the crowd going everytime. i reckon fat friday is the crappiest night of the week. just cos i dont know many people who go out on a friday! Unless you want to go into town and get beaten up by the valley boys.... Does anyone know where Evolution is also???? Ive been trying to find it....
Reply 7
The town isn't that violent at all - don't believe everything you're told. Sure if you go looking for trouble and mouthing off then I'll bet you'd find it. I have spent a few Fridays in non-student bars and pubs in town and they are the most welcoming people you could hope to meet. I think they just expect to be treated like people, and not talked down to (as happens by some students). If you want to see proper town / gown conflict, I'd suggest you go to Durham on a Saturday night - walk into the Fighting Cocks and say in your best Southern accent "so I hear you Geordies reckon you're a bit tasty with your fists?"
Reply 8
Sounds like a great night friend's up at Durham, I might suggest that to her. And as for fights, I haven't even SEEN one let alone been in one when I've been in town - i've seen more in the SU :s-smilie:
Reply 9
Sounds like a great night friend's up at Durham, I might suggest that to her. And as for fights, I haven't even SEEN one let alone been in one when I've been in town - i've seen more in the SU :s-smilie:

precisely - i don't go to the union at all, but my friend have recanted a couple of stories about SU dust-ups already.
Reply 10
I reckon its awesome when they crack out a bit of drum and bass! it gets the crowd going everytime. i reckon fat friday is the crappiest night of the week. just cos i dont know many people who go out on a friday! Unless you want to go into town and get beaten up by the valley boys.... Does anyone know where Evolution is also???? Ive been trying to find it....

Evolution is down in the Bay, in the Red Dragon Centre. Apparantly meant to be full of chavs, but it looked ok. Bit in the middle of nowhere!!
And everyone goes out on a Fri night! More than Sat night I have found!
Reply 11
Come Play all the way :wink:
Reply 12
Back home I always went out clubbing on Fridays and did stuff like cinema or whatever on Saturdays. So I still find it odd when people want to go out on Saturdays instead.
Reply 13
Hello to everyone !!!!!!
When I went to Cardiff for a weekend we went to Liquid on a Friday and it was awesome! One of the best nights I've had for a long time. Fiver to get in and you get 4 free vodbulls and a voucher for the cloakroom. There were quite a few students there as well, as far as I could tell!
Reply 15
I;'ve been Cardiff union once, when i came home for a weekend, to watch wales beat England in the 6 nations. think we went comeplay. Was a good crack... Better than the events at my union.
Reply 16
I work at the student union. The evenings are far from all the same.

Mondays (Fun Factory) is the alternative night. - Rock/pop and the occasional dnb track. Usually we host a live band in buffers (which is the room on the other side of solus). Its free as mentioned above.

Wednesday (Rubber Duck) is the all pupose theme night. We let anyone registered with the AU in at 7. Then the club itself opens at 10. Depending on the theme we change the stage week to week. Those who attended the porn party will remember the pole we errected up on stage. We normally get in the funky ass dicos dancers for stage purposes as well.

Friday (Fat Friday) is your standard club night with something special. Its marketing wasnt fantastic after Lashtastic got axed, but that no way reflects the night itself. We got in dancers every week to dance behind the screen we erect, and the DJ has his own Rolls Royce deck stage (woot!). The msuic is standard chart/pop/hip hip/rnb. We also host a live jazz band in junction (first room you walk into as you enter solus). Fat Friday may change after xmas, so dont hold me to this.

Saturday (Come Play) is run by an outside company - come play. It packs out every week and offers up everything a standard club would but at cheaper prices and a better atmospehere. Theres usually a dj in junction too.

If you're looking for something more chilled, but enjoy the union, then check out the HipHopLounge on Sundays in CF10.
Come Play was awful the Sat before 1am they whacked on non stop chrimbo tunes...DON'T DO IT!
Reply 18
Discovered Rubber Duck only a month or so ago, it was awesome! Only been to Come Play once but I remember it being very crowded with fights breaking out left right and centre... didn't like it too much. Fun Factory is usually average, it does play some good music. Hate Fat Fridays, not enough cheesey music for me!
Fridays were so much better when it was Lashtastic.

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