I work at the student union. The evenings are far from all the same.
Mondays (Fun Factory) is the alternative night. - Rock/pop and the occasional dnb track. Usually we host a live band in buffers (which is the room on the other side of solus). Its free as mentioned above.
Wednesday (Rubber Duck) is the all pupose theme night. We let anyone registered with the AU in at 7. Then the club itself opens at 10. Depending on the theme we change the stage week to week. Those who attended the porn party will remember the pole we errected up on stage. We normally get in the funky ass dicos dancers for stage purposes as well.
Friday (Fat Friday) is your standard club night with something special. Its marketing wasnt fantastic after Lashtastic got axed, but that no way reflects the night itself. We got in dancers every week to dance behind the screen we erect, and the DJ has his own Rolls Royce deck stage (woot!). The msuic is standard chart/pop/hip hip/rnb. We also host a live jazz band in junction (first room you walk into as you enter solus). Fat Friday may change after xmas, so dont hold me to this.
Saturday (Come Play) is run by an outside company - come play. It packs out every week and offers up everything a standard club would but at cheaper prices and a better atmospehere. Theres usually a dj in junction too.
If you're looking for something more chilled, but enjoy the union, then check out the HipHopLounge on Sundays in CF10.