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eat? or rustle the paper really loudly so that it will hide your stomach rumbling - that's all i got
Reply 2
I do eat a normal breakfast everyday, yet the problems continue
I hate it when that happens. Have a big breakfast/lunch. Just make sure its not somethihg that gives you gas. Farting in an exam is worse
Reply 4
I eat breakfast every day, I don't really think it's a hunger thing
Reply 5
I doubt it's anything to do with the milk, because it happens frequently and I've drank milk frequently my whole life. I think it's more a stress thing
Eat a mid-morning snack? Banana or some biscuits or something.

What is your breakfast? A bowl of cereal isn't enough to last the four or five hours it needs to. I have a banana, some corn flakes and two slices of toast and that keeps me going for about five hours normally, which is about right. If you're eating fatty foods like bacon or cheese try substituting them for starchy foods instead :smile:
Reply 7
When it rumbles have a little pretend cough, thats what I used to do, or kinda stretch upwards and hold your stomach :P
definitely a nervous thing.. i used to get it but it doesn't happen anymore. I remember when I used to feel one coming, i just had to think about something else becos the more I thought about it the louder it became! bit random but i found bouncing my leg when they were about to happen stopped it (no joke)....maybe you could try that
Reply 9
I get this a lot in lectures. I have noticed a considerable difference since i've cut down on fizzy drinks and junk food. But still occasionally when I eat a baguette it's as if my stomach is having a fight with a cucumber in there.
Reply 10
Original post by LFChrispy
I eat breakfast every day, I don't really think it's a hunger thing

This happened to me, and I know what you're talking about. I just let the tummy rumble, and got on with my test (much to the amusement of others) haha.
Reply 11
Lol for me at the moment, I just either stretch really far back or huddle over the desk which helps a bit, just makes it a lot more difficult to concentrate and work
Reply 12
Original post by LFChrispy
I do eat a normal breakfast everyday, yet the problems continue

arghh same, it is really embarrasing. it is an on-going joke with my teacher and class in history :ashamed2:

I literally eat a bowl of cereal, two pieces of toast and an apple and it STILL BLOODY RUMBLES. I have just learnt to accept that I have a very echoey stomach that amplifies the rumbling sound.

I know what you mean though, I was never even nervous about the content of my exams, always about whether my stomach would be really noisy. silent exam halls suck, I normally rustle my paper, scrape my chair back and forth, rattle my pencils about and put my jumper over my tummy haha.

I hate it when people stare over at me :K:
Tense the stomach then release, I find it helps me.

Also little sips of water can help.

And also take in a couple of sweets for the exam or gum or something (if you are allowed)!
Reply 14
Original post by LFChrispy
I've done my A2 exams coming up in January, and I'm stressing about them 24/7. My stomach has started rumbling in class and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate, and I know it will be worse in the exam hall. Anybody got any tips?

Eat a big breakfast before you go, and if it rumbles in the exam, hope the invigilators don't catch you, or else you'll be out for communicating.
I used to have this problem, and I always used to take a box of tic tacs in my pencil case and have a few when my stomach started rumbling - it stopped it for me and having a mint to suck on helped me to concentrate!
Take a little snack in with you, something that won't rustle.
Reply 17
Harness it, to put off others.
Reply 18
Try to take a huge dump before going into the exam, I have found that needing to excrete my wastes causes my stomach to rumble a lot. Plus, needing to take a dump during exam is the worst.
I always made sure I ate something filling just before the exam.
I took a bottle of water in and made sure I drank just before it would rumble if i got filled my belly for a while :smile: