The Student Room Group
Reply 1
its about 5 miles or 8km isnt it? :redface:
Reply 2
If one step is about 80cm, which I guess it is roughly (for orienteering, we used 1m per step, but in practice it's a little less than that) then yes, 10,000 would be 800,000 cm, or 8,000m = 8km. Sounds a lot, I bet I don't do that many a day.
The thing is it's not like *ooo i have 2 walk five miles*, I mean think about all the steps you take at home, at school/work and stuff. I always think about this if I'm out in town, liek yesterday I went to Bimingham with a load of my friends and we were just back and forward all the time from one end to the other!! I should get a pedometer lol!