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Losing weight too easily?

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Reply 20
Profesh - what's wrong with your weight? Was a bit bored so I calculated your BMI, and it said you were in the "healthy" range! I suppose the low end of it. I take it that's what the physical development is for, weight gain?

No; rather, it tends to be the corollary of a general 'proliferation' commonly associated with later adolescence; hence my surprise.
Reply 22

Well, actually, it is rather.
Reply 23
corollary - something that naturally follows or accompanies something else.

So do you feel that as a later adolescent you should be expected to be worried about your weight, or do you feel your weight should be changing as you are an adolescent?
Please enlighten us...
Reply 25
corollary - something that naturally follows or accompanies something else.

So do you feel that as a later adolescent you should be expected to be worried about your weight, or do you feel your weight should be changing as you are an adolescent?

The latter; although I rather doubt that they need be mutually exclusive: I have it on some authority that concern regarding one's weight is very much 'par for the course' (of adolescence), although such considerations are yet to impinge on my state of mind.
stop complaining! you blates just have a high metabolism. go and eat some chocolate. not everyone can lose weight just without trying! humpf!
Reply 27
yeah you must have some high metabolism rate, erm also time of the year, it's weird but if you notice certain months you gain weight and others you lose weight, it has to do with the weather I guess, *my theory*:p:, anyhows I guess erm you shouldn't worry, if you wanna gain some weight eat more, and thats all:biggrin:
My only concern is that I'm losing weight even though I haven't changed my diet and I don't need too! I'm borderline underweight anyway....That can't be good surely??

Does anyone else find that when they are doing exercise they dont feel as hungry as when you do just couching around? 'sweird.

thats just because your brain is kept active with non food thoughts when you exercise as opposed to having the time to think about eating and food when doing nothing.
Haha, i know the feeling. At the start of the summer, i cut out most of the crap i eat, started doing more excercise and my mum was complaining that i was losing too much weight. Honestly, she's just jealous that she can't shift a pound, but i'm getting a load skinnier. When she says "you should stop there, you're a good weight now", i laugh, because what does she want me to do? Start eating crap and stop exercising to keep my weight constant? I'm just doing what i've always been told is healthy. If that means losing weight, so be it, but i'm not going to purposely be unhealthy for the sake of not losing more weight.
Reply 31
Just fill up on carbs! My diet is basically the antithesis of the Atkins!

DG, thats exacly what happened with me. I believe we both have high metabolisms. Tis hard to sound worried about being underweight without sounding very arrogant though.
Reply 32
During the beginning of this year, I lost quite a bit of weight. I did give up junk food (and chocolate for lent), and did more exercise, but honestly it was just to be healthier as part of a new year's resolution, and not to specifically lose weight.

Then recently, my friend told me that she had actually been very worried that I'd had an eating disorder during this time, but I really hadn't, I hadn't actually been aware that I'd been losing weight (except for when I went to the doctor and was actually told I was a bit underweight for my height, but thats another story). I didn't really notice I was getting thinner either, I just thought shops were making clothes bigger sizes.

And I genuinely had been eating as much as normal.

And last year I lost nearly half a stone in a week because I was on holiday, and didn't like the food there, but that wasn't intentional either.

I'm just wondering, do some body types lose weight a lot more easily than others, or should I just be naturally thin, or what? I'm back to the size I was before noe, but I'm a wee bit worried... :redface:

Yes some people do naturally lose weight easily or find it hard to gain weight and are naturally thin,
you say your back to your normal weight now so theres obviously not a problem.
your fine