The Student Room Group


The other night i went out with a female friend to the Cambridge Union. We are not romatically involved and i think the platonic nature of our friendship is quite obvious for anybody with a slightly working set of social skills.

after the debate we went to meet her mate who graduated last year and her boyfriend. Both were obviously very well bred and were well off. I subsequently find out she's inherited an estate worth about 7 million. Solidly upper-middle class to say the least.

I am not rich like that but we live fairly well. Nice area, biggish house, nice cars and that kind of stuff. However, I speak with what in Cambridge is seen as a very strong Brummie accent (although when i go back home i'm posh). I was wearing a tightish t-shirt and ripped jeans (from diffusion i think). Certainly not Chavvy attire anyways. When i go to the toilet apparantly the two friends start bitching about me. Some of the stuff was quite harsh.

"Oh we know your desperate but surely not". "What an awful man". "I can't believe girls really fancy him". "He's so brash and common". "My dad would kill me if I brought him back home" "He's such a scrounger" (well i did run out of cash and couldn't be arsed to walk to the cash point so that's probably fair).

I've never really encountered anything like this before. If i'm arrogant and a **** and they hate me for it then fair enough- but the way I talk??? That's te crux of it basically. I mean, i'm hardly some midland chav snorting coke off railway lines. Just a lower middle class (don't get me started on class definitions) kid like most other people i know.

I've gone out with a really posh girl before. Her dad was a QC and they had a mansion in Surrey and they realy liked me. My accent and mannerisms seemed entertaining rather than awful.

has anyone else experienced this rubbish and did you let it bother you??

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Reply 1
IGNORE THEM!!! I hate snobs!
Reply 2
IGNORE THEM!!! I hate snobs!

Ditto. My college had its fair share of them.
Snobs = Death :mad:
Reply 4
I would rise above it, people who are like that, really shouldn't have the privilege of your company, they're not worth it. :smile:
Reply 5
there are always some people like that. who will bitch about you behind your back etc.

''as water is to the fish and air to the bird, so is comtempt to the comtemptible'' - William Blake

thought that would apply here.
Why do you have an American Flag on your profile btw?
i bloody hate snobs. my flatmates a bit of one and she's got such a negative attitude to some people and she says that all people with manc accents sound thick. we've had quite a few arguments about that.
Reply 8
i'm trying to get a white house internship in 2007. i love the country and really want to work there. I'm doing a dissertation on neoconservatism and its academic origins. quite worrying looking at the close relationship they have with Carl Schmitt.

in response to the second post above.
i'm trying to get a white house internship in 2007. i love the country and really want to work there. I'm doing a dissertation on neoconservatism and its academic origins. quite worrying looking at the close relationship they have with Carl Schmitt.

in response to the second post above.

Sounds great. I love the US as well... I'm actually doing a 4/5 week roadtrip there in the summer :biggrin:
Reply 10
i don't think accent can speak anything about your abilities or persona. Some of the best men i know are Brummies, but also some of the worst. I really don't consider my accent strong. I speak with a flat A and a sunken U but so what. It wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world to change. I just don't have the inclination to.
That's one of my pet hates, people who are snobbish and have their heads well and truly wedged between their buttocks. Just ignore such people, they don't deserve to be in your company. :biggrin:
Reply 12
The snobs in Cambridge have to go, i go to the sixth form college just up the road from your college and it is full of snobs even though its a state school, one boy in my physics class is the son of a lord, it does really annoy me when they treat you different just because of your background they think that there somehow better.
Reply 13
i don't think accent can speak anything about your abilities or persona. Some of the best men i know are Brummies, but also some of the worst. I really don't consider my accent strong. I speak with a flat A and a sunken U but so what. It wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world to change. I just don't have the inclination to.

Why should you have to? Don't change anything about yourself because these little quirks are what make you, you. If they can't handle it then don't give them the privalige of your valueable time.
Reply 14
The snobs in Cambridge have to go, i go to the sixth form college just up the road from your college and it is full of snobs even though its a state school, one boy in my physics class is the son of a lord, it does really annoy me when they treat you different just because of your background they think that there somehow better.

whats that mate. Hills Road.

i wouldn't bother but i'm smarter than them. I'm a scholar and they are 2:2 scum. how's that for inverse snobbery??
Reply 15
there r loads of snobs at my school.they seem ok to me.
Reply 16
one boy in my physics class is the son of a lord

Honourable John? :biggrin:
There are some insular ***** in Cambridge, probably Oxford too
Reply 18
although hes not that much of a snob, it was more of an example of the riches at the college
Reply 19
My ex's family was rather well-to-do. Big house in the country, all very proper, lar-dee-dar private school etc.. While I'm just your standard middle-class northerner (i'm sure the accent makes me sound a lot lower down the scale than I am!)

I got on really well with her family from day one. They might have been a little wary at first, but they were far too polite to show it, but I really liked them and they really liked me. The extended family (grandparents mainly) weren't really sure what to make of me and I don't think they were too impressed. But what can you do? Leave them to it.