The other night i went out with a female friend to the Cambridge Union. We are not romatically involved and i think the platonic nature of our friendship is quite obvious for anybody with a slightly working set of social skills.
after the debate we went to meet her mate who graduated last year and her boyfriend. Both were obviously very well bred and were well off. I subsequently find out she's inherited an estate worth about 7 million. Solidly upper-middle class to say the least.
I am not rich like that but we live fairly well. Nice area, biggish house, nice cars and that kind of stuff. However, I speak with what in Cambridge is seen as a very strong Brummie accent (although when i go back home i'm posh). I was wearing a tightish t-shirt and ripped jeans (from diffusion i think). Certainly not Chavvy attire anyways. When i go to the toilet apparantly the two friends start bitching about me. Some of the stuff was quite harsh.
"Oh we know your desperate but surely not". "What an awful man". "I can't believe girls really fancy him". "He's so brash and common". "My dad would kill me if I brought him back home" "He's such a scrounger" (well i did run out of cash and couldn't be arsed to walk to the cash point so that's probably fair).
I've never really encountered anything like this before. If i'm arrogant and a **** and they hate me for it then fair enough- but the way I talk??? That's te crux of it basically. I mean, i'm hardly some midland chav snorting coke off railway lines. Just a lower middle class (don't get me started on class definitions) kid like most other people i know.
I've gone out with a really posh girl before. Her dad was a QC and they had a mansion in Surrey and they realy liked me. My accent and mannerisms seemed entertaining rather than awful.
has anyone else experienced this rubbish and did you let it bother you??