i started going out with my boyfriend dan in august, we had sex soon after (had known him for three years before and been close to him for a long time) here i am, 4 and a half months later, asking my parents if i can sleep at his house, he will be sleeping in his parents room floor and i will be in his room.... my parents still wont let me sleep round! they say they feel uncomfortable with it....... im 17.. and am on both the pill and the implant, however my parents dont know we've even had sex, never mind the pill and the implant stuff.......
how can i convince my parents to let me?!
also, he has already slept at my house once, and i slept on my parents floor and he was in my room....
my parents are really old fashioned, and my older sister who is 22 is incredibly... perfect daughter ish.. never asked to do anything that may even cause my parents to think, and has never had a boyfriend. -.-