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Reply 1
I always thought you stopped growing around 21, I guess this confirms that :biggrin:
I'm just 20 and I'm sure I'm still growing; I feel taller (though my posture has improved, which may be a contributing factor) but, more concretely (is that a word?) I've found some of my trousers have become too short. I think my brother, who is 23, may also have grown a bit recently.

I think this is more common than people think, though obviously some people do stop earlier. There used to be a theory, held generally until quite recently, that if you were a girl you pretty much stopped growing after your first period; I don't think anyone believes this any more though as it doesn't seem to actually fit the facts!
Reply 3
As long as i grow up and not out i don't mind!

Reply 4
I really hope not, being any taller would just be inconvenient! I haven't grown for years but you never know..

Reply 5
I'm still growing. I've grown a few inches this year! :smile:
I'm 6'4" and coming up 16, am I likely to grow much more? :eek:
Reply 7
Unlikely...but you never know..
To be fair i don't think blokes stop growing till they are about 23/24!
My dad actually stopped when he was 12. He was 6"2. He's still 6"2.
ive grown half an inch since i came to uni (5 wks)
must be all the alcohol
Reply 11
i hope i dont grow anymore im 6ft3 i don't wanna be any taller, i have been this height for about a year though so hopefully i have stopped as i was an early developer.
i hope i dont grow anymore im 6ft3 i don't wanna be any taller, i have been this height for about a year though so hopefully i have stopped as i was an early developer.

when your 5'1 (almost 5'2 now) any extra height is a boost (literally)
There you go, its good to grow. I really thought I'd finished long ago :smile:
Reply 14
I'm only 5' 5''. I wish I was taller....... :frown:
Great news!! :biggrin: I'm only 4'11"... :frown:
amazing! There's hope for me yet! I can't cope with staying 5'3 forever.
Reply 17
I wanna grow i wanna grow, pick me!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm 5"4
Reply 18
i'm only 5'1 aswell :frown:
is there some kind of magic growth potion i can take? :wink: :p:
Reply 19
To be fair i don't think blokes stop growing till they are about 23/24!

I would love that. I seem to have missed out on this whole final growth spurt thing. Probably a little too hopeful at 23, but hey... if you're right, I'm happy. :smile: