The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
No idea...go for it!
they're called 'poppers,' I think you have to be 18 to buy them as my friend tried to get some. But seeing a shop selling it, I don't think it's illegal. (It is usually sold as a room de-odouriser)
Reply 3
Didn't realise you were in Liverpool!

Erm, yeah it probably is a little dodgy if it's in there. That shop won't be there soon though, so you could always stock up and sell it on to further dodgy people. :p: Why, are you contemplating buying it or is somebody you know a fan?!
I think it's like poppers, it's definitely flammable, but from what I heard about poppers, they spray something into your nose? Rush is just a smelly thing.

no, you can smell poppers
I think this rush stuff is the same thing as poppers, just a different street name
I think the chemical name is iso-butyl-nitrate or something like that. Is it illegal?


I think it's like poppers, it's definitely flammable, but from what I heard about poppers, they spray something into your nose? Rush is just a smelly thing.

yes, they are the same. Poppers are known as iso-butyl-nitrate like you mentioned earlier on.
Ah ok, been misinformed then :smile: Are they illegal?

you have to be 18 to buy them (that's what the shop keep said to my friend), so if they're selling them, I don't think they're illegal
ahhhh poppers...

i vaguely rememeber them from my youth..i'm sure i can think of this guy that used to do them all the time
Reply 9
this seems a sensible site on the topic:

note that people with heart conditions should not take them. but you might have an undiagnosed heart condition would only find out at your autopsy.
If ever there was a farce of a website, TTF is one of them. Loads of errors on there.

One tip when using poppers, don't let a cigarette go near it, the stuff is HUGELY flammable!
Reply 11
I think poppers are illegal, but only when sold as poppers, not when sold as room odourisers
Reply 12
well, there are lots of things that can be sniffed to addiction and is not illegal.. petroleum for example, some people love the smell and sniff to their deaths
I think poppers are illegal, but only when sold as poppers, not when sold as room odourisers
At all the summer trance events I've been to like Global Gathering and Escape Into The Park there is always a stand selling glow sticks, camera, lighters and "liquid gold", otherwise known as poppers. I don't think they make a roaring trade in liquid gold because people at trance events want to make their rooms smell nice when they get home :wink: Police don't seem to mind.

If you're looking for a cheap(ish) legal way to get a buzz try nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas). 100 times better than poppers!
Reply 14
don't listen to AlphaNumeric children. drugs are a mug's game.
the bear
don't listen to AlphaNumeric children. drugs are a mug's game.
I'm not advocating drug use, nitrous oxide is the stuff dentist give to kids when they are having their teeth out. If you go to the club "Air" in Birmingham they sell it in balloons.

Its not addictive and aside from depleting vitamin B12 levels if you use LOADS of it (as you would if you went to a dentist and had it) its harmless on the body.

On the scale of addictiveness and harshness on the body its way down the scale compared to cigarettes and alcohol.
Reply 16
At all the summer trance events I've been to like Global Gathering and Escape Into The Park there is always a stand selling glow sticks, camera, lighters and "liquid gold", otherwise known as poppers. I don't think they make a roaring trade in liquid gold because people at trance events want to make their rooms smell nice when they get home :wink: Police don't seem to mind.

If you're looking for a cheap(ish) legal way to get a buzz try nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas). 100 times better than poppers!
Well everyone knows it's not really a room deodoriser, but because it's sold as such (will probs say on the bottle somewhere) it's OK
Reply 17
I thought poppers were also used by gay men? Won't go into the reasons why.
But I am pretty sure they're legal because they're sold everywhere. As far as I know they make you dizzy for about five minutes. I had no idea they were a room odouriser though, makes it seem kind of lame.
As far as I know they make you dizzy for about five minutes.
They cause massive vasodilation in your head's blood vessels resulting in blood pressure in the head dropping suddenly, making your head spin for about 20 seconds. Because of the dilating, people's faces go bright red and often instantly begin sweating for a minute or so.

They are pretty dirty when you think about it.
Solvent abuse! It ain't right!