The Student Room Group

arms locked after gym

I went to the gym today (only my 2nd time) this man was on the rower, once he got off, I got on, did 10 mins. didn't think anymore of it. I got home and both of my arms are locked up, I can't straigten them without feeling a lot of pain. It was only when I thought about it, I realised the rower was on number ten. my arms are now in alot of pain, I can't move them, or straighen them. what can I do to make them feel better?
Ouch! I did ten minutes on the rower today too, but at number 8 and am okay, but i can imagine what its feeling like! Everyone always overdoes it once or twice! Im afraid there isn't a great deal that you can do! Try taking a warm bath to ease the muscles and try gently stretching them to loosen up a bit. You could try deep heat but i doubt it will have much effect! Basically, you will need to rest yourself for a few days until the pain subsides and then return to exercise, but reduce the resistance on that rowing machine!

Reply 2
hot bath hot bath hot bath
Reply 3
I went to the gym today (only my 2nd time) this man was on the rower, once he got off, I got on, did 10 mins. didn't think anymore of it. I got home and both of my arms are locked up, I can't straigten them without feeling a lot of pain. It was only when I thought about it, I realised the rower was on number ten. my arms are now in alot of pain, I can't move them, or straighen them. what can I do to make them feel better?

Well first off using the rower at certain levels are not a relationship of how 'fit' you are. The intensity is relative to how hard you pull, so setting the rower at level 4 can just be difficult as level 10.

Next, the locked up and stiff arms. I would say this is due to:
1. Only second time at the gym, so muscles need to get used to the exercises.
2. Lack of stretching before and after.

You can't really do much for it now but next time you go to the gym get on the rower to begin with and do 5 min of light exercise as a warm-up. Then do some full body streches. Likewise at the end of session. This helps to REDUCE the effect of lactic acid (if the intensity was high enough) and the stiff feeling you are experiencing.
Reply 4
get a massage
Between you and I 10 minutes is more than I do so well done any way
Reply 6
Lol i did ten mins on a rowing machine last friday it absoultely killed me!! Im still stiff know, ah well.
EDIT:I just realised hoe irrelvant that was, i suggest you take a hot bath and do some gentle stretches maybe.
Reply 7
Well first off using the rower at certain levels are not a relationship of how 'fit' you are. The intensity is relative to how hard you pull, so setting the rower at level 4 can just be difficult as level 10.

Next, the locked up and stiff arms. I would say this is due to:
1. Only second time at the gym, so muscles need to get used to the exercises.
2. Lack of stretching before and after.

You can't really do much for it now but next time you go to the gym get on the rower to begin with and do 5 min of light exercise as a warm-up. Then do some full body streches. Likewise at the end of session. This helps to REDUCE the effect of lactic acid (if the intensity was high enough) and the stiff feeling you are experiencing.

Exactly, the resistance on the rower is the same as gears on a bike..its got nothing to do with how hard the exercise is really.

I row/rowed for my Uni and we always set them up according to drag factor 130-140 which comes out at about level 3-6 depending on what machine you use.
Reply 8
thank you all :smile: I will try having a nice hot bath now. thanks for all your help guys. your great.
Reply 9
straighten your arms out as far as they go and then tense them, i find that helps me.
Reply 10
I went to the gym today (only my 2nd time) this man was on the rower, once he got off, I got on, did 10 mins. didn't think anymore of it. I got home and both of my arms are locked up, I can't straigten them without feeling a lot of pain. It was only when I thought about it, I realised the rower was on number ten. my arms are now in alot of pain, I can't move them, or straighen them. what can I do to make them feel better?

Take a nice warm bath maybe give them a personal massage then rest them for a couple days
Reply 11
If your arms are locked then you might have got the wrong technique.
Also you can stretch your arms afterwards by standing next to a wall, put the arm nearest the wall out to your side with your palm touching the wall and slowly move your palm backwards along the wall and slightly turn away from your arm. Your arm should be straight throughout. You will feel a stretch down your arm. This will help. All the rowers at my college do this.

ps, try an hour on the rowing machine. Now thats hardcore training.