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Reply 1
its called a RUNNY NOSE
Reply 2's normal.
Reply 3
its called a RUNNY NOSE

ha ha your so funny
Reply 4
no, you are, posting about liquid coming out of your nose.
what do you want us to say...its your brains? OMFG go see a doctor!
Keeping this very simple. Mucus is always present in your airways, to catch dirt/germs etc. Gravity acts downwards all the time, so when youre stood normally, the liquid finds its lowest point in your passageways, and stays put. When you bend forward, the Mucus flows again to the lowest point, which is out of your nose.

This also explains why blocked noses can be unblocked by changing your position i.e. stand up if youre lying down, lie down if youre stood up. It is also the reason why you dont have a runny nose during your cold when youre asleep. The mucus can trickle down the back of your throat to be swallowed (if sleeping on your back), and is why if you sleep on one side, the corresponding nostril becomes blocked.

In short, dont worry, its completely normal.

A lengthy post, and probably unneccessary, but I'm a geek, and its my job :biggrin:
Reply 6
When i was on holiday this 1/2 term I bent down after getting my PJ's on and some clear liquid like water came out of my nose i have no idea what it is and it scared me a bit does anyone else know?? :frown: :s:

are you serious?
Reply 7
Fleece is right, I think your brain has melted and is coming out of your nose, better go to doctor now!
The Mudman
Keeping this very simple. Mucus is always present in your airways, to catch dirt/germs etc. Gravity acts downwards all the time, so when youre stood normally, the liquid finds its lowest point in your passageways, and stays put. When you bend forward, the Mucus flows again to the lowest point, which is out of your nose.

This also explains why blocked noses can be unblocked by changing your position i.e. stand up if youre lying down, lie down if youre stood up. It is also the reason why you dont have a runny nose during your cold when youre asleep. The mucus can trickle down the back of your throat to be swallowed (if sleeping on your back), and is why if you sleep on one side, the corresponding nostril becomes blocked.

In short, dont worry, its completely normal.

A lengthy post, and probably unneccessary, but I'm a geek, and its my job :biggrin:

I actually found that quite intersting, i never knew why we got blocked noses before!
Reply 9
It could also easily be one of your synases clearing if either of them are blocked. I've had that a fair few times and know the composition is more, erm, watery than mucus from the nose. Absolutely nothing to be bothered about though.
I actually found that quite intersting, i never knew why we got blocked noses before!
Reply 11
ergh its horrid when that happens isn't if you have no symptos of a cold or anyhting i would panic lol

but only for a minute or so
Reply 12
Its just runny snot, dont worry. i was trying on shoes in this really posh shoe shop once, and i bent down to pick up the shoes, and this great drop of runny stuff fell out my nose. i was so embarresed!
Reply 13
lovley lol yum yum yum

don't you hate it when you say to someone randomly

' my nose is running' and then they say

'you better go and catch it' god thats so old and annoying lol
Reply 14
The Mudman
Keeping this very simple. Mucus is always present in your airways, to catch dirt/germs etc. Gravity acts downwards all the time, so when youre stood normally, the liquid finds its lowest point in your passageways, and stays put. When you bend forward, the Mucus flows again to the lowest point, which is out of your nose.

This also explains why blocked noses can be unblocked by changing your position i.e. stand up if youre lying down, lie down if youre stood up. It is also the reason why you dont have a runny nose during your cold when youre asleep. The mucus can trickle down the back of your throat to be swallowed (if sleeping on your back), and is why if you sleep on one side, the corresponding nostril becomes blocked.

In short, dont worry, its completely normal.

A lengthy post, and probably unneccessary, but I'm a geek, and its my job :biggrin:

man you are a god, always wondered why 1 fricken nostril gets blocked

WOW lol
Glad I could be of some entertainment value! :tongue:
Reply 16
no, you are, posting about liquid coming out of your nose.
what do you want us to say...its your brains? OMFG go see a doctor!

With diagnostic discernment like that, I daresay you should be a doctor.
Reply 17
When i was on holiday this 1/2 term I bent down after getting my PJ's on and some clear liquid like water came out of my nose i have no idea what it is and it scared me a bit does anyone else know?? :frown: :s:

White stuff, eh?

'sounds like the thing that pops out of a men's penis.'

^^ Hmmm.
Reply 18
White stuff, eh?

'sounds like the thing that pops out of a men's penis.'

^^ Hmmm.

Oh dear God.

Incidentally, who might you be quoting? Is it, perchance, your inner child?
Reply 19
Oh dear God.

Incidentally, who might you be quoting? Is it, perchance, your inner child?

Indeed. :cool:

You've got good 'discernment' and a sharp mind. :smile: