The Student Room Group

How was your high/secondary school experience?

It started in twenty-o-five. I walked into that big, big building with all the wrong ideas, all the wrong expectations. I walked into there thinking I'd re-live the stories I was told, not realising that they happened ten to fourteen years from then and a lot had changed since. I always thought my parents were wrong and I never had that other person to tell me that I was going to throw away what could be the best years of my life. Or I did and I forgot what they told me about doing what I love. I always did forget that.

My worse high school year was this past year and ironically enough, it was also my best. I messed up, did lots of the things I shouldn't have, let a few persons down, including my parents and with all of this, I learned a lot. I learned that nothing was ever about me and I should not convince myself into thinking things are so. I learned that I had to grow myself some proper testicles and that I should stand up for myself and what I believe in. More importantly, I learned that I had to find something/things to believe in and learn about them and not speak blindly.

There's that and there's other things.

How 'bout you, hawmiez?

N.B: Thread title edited.
(edited 14 years ago)

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twenty-o-five? You mean two-thousand-and-five?

Mine was okay. Changed friends every year though, which was a pain.
absolute hell in truth
Reply 3
In the first few years it was terrible, Im a quiet person which made me a target for immature bullying boys to pick on me a lot, as I got into year 10/11 people I seemed to grow a bit more in confidence and they left me alone. Aside from that Ive made some of the best friends in my life at high school and continue to see them all the time - so it wasn't all that bad! Oh and I used to get tonnes of stick for having bigger boobs than the rest of the girls haha! =/
Amazing! I loved secondary. Great parties, great people, and easy lessons.
Reply 5
I started high school in 2000 and I hated every moment of it kthx :smile:
Got bullied in year 7 and after that was the class clown.
It was a **** hole of a school.
Reply 7

I went to a Secondary School, not a high school.
Not the best. 6th form is much much better though :biggrin:
Enjoyed it, everything was so safe and controlled. I miss lunch times and stuff like that but i guess uni is more fun.
Reply 10
Meh, mine was fine. It was a terrible school but I never got bullied/bullied anyone/failed anything so I guess that makes it great compared to some peoples experiences..
I started in 2005 also :smile: Overall, it's been really good...there's been lots of fun times, and I'll miss getting slagged for being small (always in a jokey way) :p: but of course it gets quite stressful near exam time, etc...although I know uni will be a lot worse probably! :frown: Fortunately, the work hasn't been too difficult! :smile:

I'll miss it, but it's really scary thinking there's only 5/6 more months of it left :eek:
Hated every second of it.
Pretty rubbish. Had one amazing friend that I'd had since the first year of primary school, and made it through years seven to eleven picking up the kind of pseudo-friends that Marcus has in About A Boy, fairly constant bullying the full five years and I didn't know any better than to just put up with it. Got better in sixth form, more or less just cut myself off from the year and ended up being a massive English nerd, swapping books with the teachers and living in the library every break/dinner/free period going through fashion magazines with the librarian or working my way through the books/free newspapers. Might sound a bit pathetic, but they were such lovely people I really enjoyed it.
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 14
Loved every minute, met some great people I have the pleasure of calling best friends.
akin to a less prestigious version of Tom Browns' days. slightly mischievous. ahh public school
It was ok. I had the best and worst years of my life there. To sum it up: year 7 and 11 were great, year 10 was ok and year 8 and 9 were ****.
I hated it. Really hated it, spent a lot of time crying that 5 years. I was quiet and picked on, and I will admit it was partly because I was sensitive. I had hardly any friends and basically I wanted to be friends with the popular people but I was too quiet and loner-y and wasn't allowed out... so yeah, high school sucked. It got much better when I went to uni :smile:
Was up and down, but I'm glad to have moved on tbh.
I've never been to a high school.