The Student Room Group

Not feeling well....I think.....

Hey guys! I hope the past week was really great for everyone. Does anyone else feel at times that their thoughts are effecting their physical being? I think I've worked myself up into a nervous wreck so much that I have a constant knot in my stomach.

I can't think straight anymore, and I don't know what's wrong with me. When I think about grades or the director yelling at me, I feel sick, like physically sick. Am I crazy or is there something really wrong with me?
Reply 1
Hey guys! I hope the past week was really great for everyone. Does anyone else feel at times that their thoughts are effecting their physical being? I think I've worked myself up into a nervous wreck so much that I have a constant knot in my stomach.

I can't think straight anymore, and I don't know what's wrong with me. When I think about grades or the director yelling at me, I feel sick, like physically sick. Am I crazy or is there something really wrong with me?

Sounds like your a little stressed out concentrate more on things you enjoy/calm you down. Its not a sign of being crazy :confused: don't worry probably just anxiety. Have a word with your gp if it carries on.

Councellor of tonight :biggrin:
You're not going crazy -- it sounds like you're extremely stressed and anxious about things which it's understandable to be anxious about. Try to separate what you can have some control over (your grades, for example) from what you can't (the director); when I'm anxious I find it helpful to realise that, while I can change the outcome of some things in life, like exams, I can't do much about whether or not someone decides to yell at me.
I get that an awful lot and am going to make an appointment with my GP about it.

Anxiety is a big problem and if it gets in the way of your normal life [stops you going places/getting things done] then it's time to see a professional.
This thread is like 2 years old...?
Haha wow I didn't notice that, how weird!!

BAD brummyman bumping it :mad:
Reply 7
This thread is like 2 years old...?

Oh the memories.... *tear*
Reply 8
Hey guys! I hope the past week was really great for everyone. Does anyone else feel at times that their thoughts are effecting their physical being? I think I've worked myself up into a nervous wreck so much that I have a constant knot in my stomach.

I can't think straight anymore, and I don't know what's wrong with me. When I think about grades or the director yelling at me, I feel sick, like physically sick. Am I crazy or is there something really wrong with me?

last week?? last week is GREAT.. i entered chess tournament.. maked new friend.. n watched movies...
Reply 9
last week?? last week is GREAT.. i entered chess tournament.. maked new friend.. n watched movies...

Anime, eh? Do you watch Inuyasha at all??