The Student Room Group

Does drinking water & green tea make your skin cleaner?

I think I've read somewhere that the more water you drink, the better your skin is. Is it true? And also, what kinds of green tea help to make skin spottless?

I used to drink no more than a glass of water per day, then switched to drinking up to 2 litres per day. I think it worked - or am I just imaginig it? Now the winter is coming, and I can't force myself to drink pure water (not hot chocolate, tea, juces etc.) when its cold and windy. Any advice?

P.S. I've just read the thread about how much water you are supposed to drink, but my question is about *skin*, so I decided to start a new thread.
Reply 1
maybe drink fruit teas or herbal teas that are pretty much all water anyway, but will keep you nice and warm as well :smile:
Eating loads of chocolate doesnt give you spots.
Reply 3
I used to drink fruit juices all the time, then about three or four years ago, when you go through that stage of getting a lot of spots, I saw something on TV about drinking lots of water. I stopped drinking fruit juices and found my skin cleared up a lot, I never really had a huge issue with spots. Perhaps it was mind over matter with me, or just a coincidence, but I think it worked. When I go on holiday and things and drink less water and more Coke and things, I find I still come up in more spots. Again, science or chance, I couldn't say.
My skin gets better the more water I drink, always.
Me too, flushes all the toxins out of your system. I find that whenever I eat chocolate I get spots, I think that what you eat really does affect your acne. I used to drink milk all the time and had pretty bad acne, then as soon as I stopped drinking milk it cleared up loads! If you are having problems with acne, vary your diet (not dramatically!) and see if any particular foods (dairy/wheat eg) make it worse, and keep on drinking water (not too much though!)
Reply 6
My skni cleared up when i strarted drinking more water, but I think that it was probably getting better naturally anyway. Since then it's kind of stalled in terms of how bad it is and flared up a while ago. I don't know if I can that's because of how much water I drunk of whether it's just a coinincidence.
Reply 7
When I go on holiday and things and drink less water and more Coke and things, I find I still come up in more spots. Again, science or chance, I couldn't say.

If you went to hot places, it could have just been sun bringing them out. Apparently, places by the sea are meant to be worse for your skin/make you really tired!
Reply 8
I think I've read somewhere that the more water you drink, the better your skin is. Is it true? And also, what kinds of green tea help to make skin spottless?

Dangerously/misleadingly false. Drinking too much water than the required *8 cups a day* will cause loss of salts in the blood and this is not recommended - causes way more damage than good.

Green tea - recommended - good anti-oxident.

yeah but you have to drink ALOT more than 8 glasses to run the risk of that happening, surely?
Reply 10
yeah but you have to drink ALOT more than 8 glasses to run the risk of that happening, surely?

8 cups are the optimum. I would hazard a guess that more than 15 cups would cause the effects mentioned in my previous post.
Do you have any proof of this to subsantiate your claim? There is a thread on here from yesterday which discusses this: general concensus was that up to about 5 litres is perfectly healthy.
EDIT: And 8 cups/2L is definitely the MINIMUM, not the optimum.
Apparently there is no scientific evidence whatsoever saying that we should drink however many litres of water a day, I think that it's all about your general fluid intake, as opposed to strictly water.

If you went to hot places, it could have just been sun bringing them out.

I thought the general concensus was that sunshine improves the condition of your skin and can help get rid of spots? I've read in numerous books (when suffering from acne myself) and experienced myself that the sun lessens acne.
Reply 13
EDIT: And 8 cups/2L is definitely the MINIMUM, not the optimum.

'definitely'? ^o)

The human body isn't defined to constraints such as a minimum of this and a maximum of that etc. :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Probably not related to this tread but do you think that spot creams and products help spots or are a waste of money? I always drink loads of water when I'v got spots and when I go on a sun bed my skin is always at its best!
I think that spot creams are a load of rubbish, from experience. They help, if at all, the result of acne, but it doesn't really prevent spots. I know they come out with this scientific evidence, but if it was really that simple and easy to treat, then why do people still get spots when using the products?

I think the best thing you can do is drink lots of water, do regular exercise, eat healthily, be sensitive to any foods which worsen your skin, and get some sun on your skin. I don't think that sunbeds are a great idea though, they're preeetty bad for you from what I've heard.
Reply 16
il say dinkin loads of water keeps the skin SHINNING!! water is mainly the only drink i eva drink and my skin is smooth and shiney :ninja:
Reply 17
Girls - be aware that your 'time of the month' influences your skin.
Boys - be aware that being aroused too much influences your skin, so stop looking at porn!!!!
Spots are caused by hormones remember. Water is good (in general people don't drink enough), and may help a bit, but don't expect it to be a miracle cure. Use a good cleanser every day, and exfoliate.
Sunbeds may cover the spots for a while, but will damage your skin long-term and possibly kill you. It's just not worth it - if you must, use fake tan
Reply 18
Girls - be aware that your 'time of the month' influences your skin.
Boys - be aware that being aroused too much influences your skin, so stop looking at porn!!!!Spots are caused by hormones remember. Water is good (in general people don't drink enough), and may help a bit, but don't expect it to be a miracle cure. Use a good cleanser every day, and exfoliate.
Sunbeds may cover the spots for a while, but will damage your skin long-term and possibly kill you. It's just not worth it - if you must, use fake tan
