The Student Room Group

Do I have cancer????!

Okay, I've noticed this really small, firm lump in my neck that doesn't move when I swallow. It's to the right, above my (adams apple?? what's it called?) and I get a tight feeling in my throat most of the time. Shouting and raising my voice gives me a sharp pain there, and when I press it pretty hard it hurts.

I've had it/noticed it for a few days, and after looking on the internet I'm scared I might have cancer! It's pretty deep in my neck though, wondering if there's any budding medics/geniuses out there who think they know what it might be? (I'm only 15 by the way)
Reply 1
go to the doctors and dont use the internet to self diagnose. tis very very bad to do that.
Reply 2
Definitely don't look on the internet - the only stuff you'll find matching your symptoms will be really really serious stuff! Just go to the doctor and ask about it, it could be a cyst perhaps? Hard to tell without seeing it though.

As for cancer, that is so so so unlikely at your age, I really wouldn't worry. Plus, even if it was, you've only had the lump for a few days, so there'd be more than enough time to sort it. Go to the doctor and put your mind at rest.
