The Student Room Group

AS Guru Biology Revision

Hi, has anyone ever watched AS Guru Biology on BBC2 (I think it's BBC2)?

I tape recorded the 2 programmes last year, one programme was on cells & genetics, & the other ecology, organs, & biological molecules.

I wonder if when it's on again that it has changed much from last years???

Does anyone know when it's on? I know that they usually repeat it not long before the exams just in case you missed it first time round. I know they are on early morning, I've never stayed up to watch them, I always tape instead, the programmes are helpful, but I always think that they could go into more detail.

!!!!Happy Halloween Everybody!!!!
Reply 1
i have no idea about this program..sorry....
hehe! my biology tecahers email adress is biology_guru at summat! :biggrin:
I've never actually seen it before but i'd imagine they start showing them nearer exam time. Were they on a month or two before the exams the last time you watched them?
Reply 4
Hey...oh yeah...I havent watched the programme, but I went to the site once :biggrin:
Does anyone know the timings?? I guess the site is as good :biggrin:
Reply 5
Hi, I've just been on the BBC Learning website & looked at the programme schedule for the Learning Zone & I found the following programmes that might be of some interest, (I also found out when AS Guru Bio is going to be on, :smile: ):

Sunday 27th November
0200 Biology
Hidden Visions
Revealing the beauty & structure of the microscopic world.

0230 Biology
The story of the intellectual struggle that established the theory of evolution as the cornerstone of our understanding of life.

0300 Biology
Sickle Cell Disease - A Lethal Advantage
Discovering why this potentially lethal inherited condition is so common among people of African origin.

0330 Biology
Lost Worlds
Unravelling the mysteries of extinction - from the dinosaurs to the woolly mammoth.

0400 Science
Making Contact
Meeting the scientists who have dedicated their lives to the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence.

0500 Biology
The Addiction Files
A ‘cosmic zoom’ through what scientific research can tell us about addiction at social, psychological, physiological, molecular & genetic levels.

0530 Science
Background Brief > The Science of Sleep
We all seem to live at a hectic pace now, so can science help us get good quality sleep?

0545 Science
Snapshots - Leaping into Uncertainty
Dr Keith Hughes is one of the world’s finest young scientists. But he left school with just one ambition: to be a Paratrooper. This is the story of his remarkable journey from the battlefield to the blackboard.

Wednesday 7th December :dancing:
0200 AS Guru Biology 1
Covers Biological molecules, Organs & systems & Ecology.

0400 AS Guru Biology 2 :dancing:
Covers Cell biology, Genetics & Biotechnology

Sunday 11th December
0200 Biology
After the Genome
Revelations from the ‘book of life’, including how cancer will become a ‘bothersome complaint’ & why we have too few genes.

0300 Study Skills
Open Advice > Study to Succeed
How do you become a better student? Find out from good practice, excellent teaching & by reflecting on your own learning.

0330 Health
Elements of Healing
The ancient Egyptians knew the healing value of metals, but as recent scientific discoveries show, there’s still much to find out.

0400 Biology
Wild Moves Land
Chris Packham shows how animals from elephants to kangaroos tackle the challenges they face when moving about on land.

0430 Science > Biology
Wild Moves - Water
Ever wondered why fish are, well, fish-shaped? Chris Packham explores the weird & wonderful life that lives beneath the waves.

0500 Science > Biology
Wild Moves - Air
Flying isn’t just for the birds. Chris Packham takes to the air to show how all kinds of animals fly.

0530 Science
Background Brief > The Science of Stress
How science can help explain the causes - & the consequences - of stress.

0545 Science
Snapshots - Engineering a New Life
Despite being brought up in a violent, abusive household & leaving home at ten, Faye Banks has become one of the country’s brightest young engineers.

I'd double check though the night before on teletext (BBC2) just in case the schedule has changed by then or I've typed it incorrectly.

Reply 6
lol Thanks for all that enumeration! :biggrin::biggrin:
Reply 7
No problem! :wink:
Reply 8
hehe! my biology tecahers email adress is biology_guru at summat! :biggrin: or
Wow thanks for posting all the dates that's great! :cool:
Reply 10
Not sure if you're trying to be ironic Iscariot but I think it means summat as in "something or other"
Not sure if you're trying to be ironic Iscariot but I think it means summat as in "something or other"

yep! :biggrin:
Reply 12
Not sure if you're trying to be ironic Iscariot but I think it means summat as in "something or other"

My poor attempt at making humour of the txt spk.