The Student Room Group

In need of a guys opinion...

Right, I shall start by telling the story...

About a month ago I went out to a club with some friends. I was dancing away when my friend fell over and landed funny on her knee, which she'd hurt a few weeks ago on holiday. I went to a near by table and asked for one of the chairs, when the guy at the table said no, I called him a ******** and left it, when I walk past this guy who says to me "You've got a right attitude problem!". Anyway, we got talking and totally clicked and were together for about an hour, anyway we kissed and exchanged numbers. We got the bus home together and he walked me to my house (We both live in the student area of Manchester and he lives about 10minutes away). Anyway, we kept texting each other, and met up quite a few times, and were getting on really well; he was acting like a boyfriend etc. Anyway, suddenly he stops answering my calls and never replied to my texts, so i sent him one final message saying basically whats going on between us? he replied with he thinks we want different things, sorry to lead me on, but he realises hes happier on his own.

After I got that message I cried for about 3 hours because I really fell for him, and thought something was going to actually happen with us. I translated his message as meaning he wanted to sleep around and be single, but I really need a guys opinion to help me out, because I'm really confused!


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Reply 1
yep sounds like he wants to sleep round and be single, most younger guys do.

Think of it this way, its better that he did it earlyer than cheat on you if u ever did go out.
Reply 2
thats the kinda thing i do, i have really really bad relationship problems
i hurt girls all the time, and dont seem to care until its too late and then i care too much
anyway, basically, i think he might have just gone off you, im really sorry to say but i think thats what happens to me and is why i dont text/ring. . .
maybe he has relationship problems like me!
Reply 3
Right, I shall start by telling the story...

About a month ago I went out to a club with some friends. I was dancing away when my friend fell over and landed funny on her knee, which she'd hurt a few weeks ago on holiday. I went to a near by table and asked for one of the chairs, when the guy at the table said no, I called him a ******** and left it, when I walk past this guy who says to me "You've got a right attitude problem!". Anyway, we got talking and totally clicked and were together for about an hour, anyway we kissed and exchanged numbers. We got the bus home together and he walked me to my house (We both live in the student area of Manchester and he lives about 10minutes away). Anyway, we kept texting each other, and met up quite a few times, and were getting on really well; he was acting like a boyfriend etc. Anyway, suddenly he stops answering my calls and never replied to my texts, so i sent him one final message saying basically whats going on between us? he replied with he thinks we want different things, sorry to lead me on, but he realises hes happier on his own.

After I got that message I cried for about 3 hours because I really fell for him, and thought something was going to actually happen with us. I translated his message as meaning he wanted to sleep around and be single, but I really need a guys opinion to help me out, because I'm really confused!


Right, first of all I wouldn't go jumping to all sorts of conclusions and naturally, as the depressed spiral goes, thinking all worst things.

There are many possible reasons for his behaviour. But since, im guessing, no one here knows the ins and outs of this situation we cannot tell!

One thing is clear - that you were looking for different things and I would guess the most likely thing is that he got scared and is not ready for anything or even feels that he wants to 'play' about as you say!

I dont know if you have texted him since, but if you really thing he is 'the one' or you could be really good together :rolleyes: your only hope is to send him a msg something along the lines of:

"we got on so well, im happy to things at any pace, I just enjoy your company" - I cant think of something better at the mo, as im not in that situation, but something that is playing it cool, but I think thats pretty obvious!

what do you think?!
he's a manwhore
Reply 5
Right, first of all I wouldn't go jumping to all sorts of conclusions and naturally, as the depressed spiral goes, thinking all worst things.

There are many possible reasons for his behaviour. But since, im guessing, no one here knows the ins and outs of this situation we cannot tell!

One thing is clear - that you were looking for different things and I would guess the most likely thing is that he got scared and is not ready for anything or even feels that he wants to 'play' about as you say!

I dont know if you have texted him since, but if you really thing he is 'the one' or you could be really good together :rolleyes: your only hope is to send him a msg something along the lines of:

"we got on so well, im happy to things at any pace, I just enjoy your company" - I cant think of something better at the mo, as im not in that situation, but something that is playing it cool, but I think thats pretty obvious!

what do you think?!

Wont work.

If they did become friends they would become close again because of how they were before, then she will end up likeing him again and she will just get hurt :frown:

But seriously! your young, go out and have fun, dont think about settling down yet.
Uni is one of the few times in your life when you can be totally independent - relationship wise - and you're free to sleep around and have fun etc. As much as he may enjoy your company, that's what the rest of his life will consist of. The next three years are the only chance he has for anything different to happen, and i can't say i blame him for taking up that oppertunity.

The bad news is, it probably, therefore, wont work between you. The good news is that he probably does like you and you've done nothing wrong or dump-worthy - it's all him, as it were.
its a bit rude deciding not to text or ring someone because you've decided you've "gone off them". By starting something off with somebody you are asking them to give up their time and feelings to you, so they deserve to be treated with respect. If you don't feel the same about somebody that you used to, then that is your right but they have the right to be told face to face the truth rather than being confused by the ignore treatment.
well dotn assume he wants to sleep around he may actually have other reasons possibly work
Reply 9
Wont work.

If they did become friends they would become close again because of how they were before, then she will end up likeing him again and she will just get hurt :frown:

But seriously! your young, go out and have fun, dont think about settling down yet.

nope, but it will make him feel worse and might should make him more likely to sort his act out.

if thats what he wants to do, he shouldnt be acting like "the boyfriend" as previously mentioned.

things should be set clear from the start.

if only i took my own advice!! lol
well dotn assume he wants to sleep around he may actually have other reasons possibly work

.. He's at uni. What makes you think he'd be doing work?!
Reply 11
nope, but it will make him feel worse and might should make him more likely to sort his act out.

if thats what he wants to do, he shouldnt be acting like "the boyfriend" as previously mentioned.

things should be set clear from the start.

if only i took my own advice!! lol

yeh supose your right :smile:

but since when does anybody talk about there feelings anymore? :rolleyes:
maybe string it out longer next time and TRY not to fall for them... he sounded like a bit of an idiot (to me) if he wants to sleep around but its a free world.
I confuse myself sometimes.... :frown:
Reply 13
Personal opinion, based on my experience of other boys' and my own behaviour: he's a complete and utter coward, and you're best off without him.

I've done it once (years ago) and someone I know does it all the time to girls, including to my girlfriend before we met. It's cowardice. Thankfully I've grown up since then; he hasn't.
Reply 14
he wants to be a free boy!
Reply 15
Thanks everybody!

What annoyed me the most was the fact that everytime we met up he told me he really liked me, and in his final message he said 'I do like you but...'. I can't understand how he'd suddenly go off me?!

He wouldn't have even bothered saying things were over if I hadn't gotten in touch, hmm!

I have another problem though, we live really near to each other, and go to the same bars and clubs and so theres a really good chance that i'll bump into him one night (I go to Man Met and hes at Man Uni so theres no chance of meeting up at uni thank God!)

What do I do if I see him?! Be civilised? Ignore him completely? Help!
Reply 16
.I translated his message as meaning he wanted to sleep around and be single, but I really need a guys opinion to help me out, because I'm really confused!


Yeah thats how it sounds to me im afraid, sorry to say it because you seem nice, but this is 1 big reason why you should never rush things with a guy
Reply 17
Lol, don't be sorry, hes the idiot who said it! We didn't even rush things though, holding hands and kissing and a bit of under top action was about the limit!

But we really clicked and it felt like we'd known each other for ages so thats why I thought it was actually going somewhere
Reply 18
Lol, don't be sorry, hes the idiot who said it! We didn't even rush things though, holding hands and kissing and a bit of under top action was about the limit!

But we really clicked and it felt like we'd known each other for ages so thats why I thought it was actually going somewhere

Yeah but being the typical young guy he is, he probablly expected things to move alot faster than that if you get me :wink:
Reply 19
I know this probably sounds naive, but I don't think he did. There were opportunities for stuff to happen.

Hes had like one serious gf, who he was with for 2 years, so its not as if hes incapable of relationships.