The Student Room Group
Hi there, did you ever decide between Derby and the OU?I'm looking at the same decision, what decision did you make and what advice can you give?Thanks, Tim
Reply 2
Hi Tim, I’m three years into a Psychology degree with the OU and absolutely love it. I’m working full time in a job that I got (in my opinion) largely because of the commitment and self motivation that studying an OU degree shows! It’s such a great method of learning. Would highly recommend it. The lack of crippling debt is also a bonus :wink:
Original post by Loltait
Hi Tim, I’m three years into a Psychology degree with the OU and absolutely love it. I’m working full time in a job that I got (in my opinion) largely because of the commitment and self motivation that studying an OU degree shows! It’s such a great method of learning. Would highly recommend it. The lack of crippling debt is also a bonus :wink:

That's fantastic to hear! I'm in the same stage as Tim, and I always just assumed Open University was the way to go, I never even considered other universities however I do think that OU has a wonderful reputation. Demonstrates self-motivation, perseverance, dedication, time management, organisation etc.

To Tim: BPS accredited long distance institutions include derby, OU, East London and Arden from what I can see!
Hey! I'm currently at Derby Uni but I'll be withdrawing soon to study at the OU. Reasons for leaving is I didn't like my course and it was too late to change course and reapplying for September 2018 would have put me back another year on top of the four I was doing (Bsc Foundation Geography). Plus I have really bad anxiety and struggle with depression so I could hardly attend lectures or deal with large groups especially when everyone else is considerably younger than you. Nothing in common with anyone I met they all wanted to go drinking and clubbing but my days of that are over. I think the OU will be a better option if you are like myself. Everyone I've spoken to from the OU seem friendly and happy with the course they're doing. I know I'm making the right decision. It'll give me time to work on my mental health too and also time with my daughter. Would be best if you join the facebook group, great space to ask any questions and hear about other peoples experiences.

Hope this helps your decision!
@PerhapsPhysio So what did you decide PerhapsPhysio? I'm really inspired by Derby's modules, but I agree about the OUs reputation. didn't help deciding either... the seem fairly closely matched, although overall satisfaction with the OU is higher. I'd really love to hear from someone who is doing a BSC Psychology online thorough Derby. Thanks all for your amazing responses!
Original post by Lucky Wilbury
@PerhapsPhysio So what did you decide PerhapsPhysio? I'm really inspired by Derby's modules, but I agree about the OUs reputation. didn't help deciding either... the seem fairly closely matched, although overall satisfaction with the OU is higher. I'd really love to hear from someone who is doing a BSC Psychology online thorough Derby. Thanks all for your amazing responses!

I have to admit, I liked that a lot of Derby's modules were more focused on certain areas BUT I've decided to go with Open University. I spoke to the BPS (number on their site) about OU (didn't mention Derby) and you could tell that OU was very highly regarded by themselves. Also the credit transfer aspect that OU offers is especially inviting if it means I could knock a year or two off! (Part time).

Would love to hear what your thoughts are?? I feel like a physical uni that offers an online course just won't be as equipped for online learning as a solely online uni if you know what I mean? I don't know. All too many big decisions haha!
Reply 7
I am studying Psyc with the OU and, although I find it great that I can manage the time myself, I can also work full time, I sometimes feel frustrated due to lack of peers to discuss topics which can be easily forgotten otherwise. But I think, if you're good at time management, you have a strong motivation and a useful group of colleagues to study/discuss with, the OU is fantastic. And it's a lot cheaper as well :smile:.
Original post by Esol Teacher
I want to do a distance learning BSc in psychology and need to know what Uni would be better for regarding content, support and quality.

Anyone studying at Derby or the OU?????

Also are there any other distance learning psychology programs that one can enter via the mature route??

My daughter's is in her 2nd year of University of Derby Online (UDOL) BSC Psychology. She's very upset and let down by the tutors. They either seem condescending or irritated if any questions are asked to them.

The evaluation is fully assignments and reports based. The criteria of evaluation are never clearly shown by the tutors even when they are asked. And yet they deduct points and mention those criteria only after submitting the assignments. Apart from the online lecture videos, you are on your own with self study. Mentoring from tutors is as good as none.

Psychology education requires a lot of study material, there is an online library of regular textbooks for downloading into their protected software.
The actual books are quite expensive, but the cheaper options are to search online in electronic forms or buy through eBay.

However, the course works also require further referring external journals which are exorbitantly expensive even online. So brace yourself for spending a lot more money for those journals.

If you are a lone but dedicated & disciplined student (for which I am proud of my daughter) then give UDOL a try. The other online options for UK are Arden & OU with 3 years program.

When my daughter and I were searching for Online BSC Psychology, we were impressed by University of Essex Online BSC Psychology program, but back then their program didn't include BPS Accreditation. However, their prospectus has changed this year and looks very interesting, and now their program has BPS accreditation. But mind you, unlike 3 years for Derby, Arden, & OU, prospectus of Essex says program duration is 4 years.
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by Lucky Wilbury
@PerhapsPhysio So what did you decide PerhapsPhysio? I'm really inspired by Derby's modules, but I agree about the OUs reputation. didn't help deciding either... the seem fairly closely matched, although overall satisfaction with the OU is higher. I'd really love to hear from someone who is doing a BSC Psychology online thorough Derby. Thanks all for your amazing responses!

Please read my reply to Esol Teacher