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Reply 1
It depends on how well yuo got on after the break up I guess. With one of mine it would be perfectly normal and there would be no problem, but not all of them :wink:
I wouldn't need to search for my ex, because I talk to him all the time.
Reply 3
Dont do it!

Exs are evil
Reply 4
Not necessarily. Might just want to be friends. Never works...
Reply 5
You're not proper ex's?

Someone is your ex is you have finished a rleationship with them. Nothing to do with feelings.

If someone wanted to get in touch with their ex then they should be prepared to get hurt as they have no idea if the ex wants to be contacted.
But you're not proper ex's though...I mean there might be something still there. I think that's what my mate is worried about.

That's true, but for a while we were proper exes, with no intention ever to get back together.

I think it really depends on the circumstances. I would have thought if the breakup was amicable, you'd have stayed in touch with them anyway, and if it wasn't, why would you want to start talking now?

The only circumstance I can think of where it wouldn't be a bit odd to contact an ex out of the blue is if the breakup was a long time ago, both parties are over it, and one decides they'd like to be friends, or if they had broken up a long time ago and simply lost contact with each other for no particular reason.
If in doubt, leave it out. Remember the reason you split up in the first place.
I should explain :smile:

The guy and girl in question split up many years ago, five I think. Anyway the guy is contacting the girl, or has been trying to, through facebook or something like that.

Edit: Susie - so you don't think there'd still be anything there? First love and all that?

With this case? Hard to tell. If they split up five years ago, he probably just thought about her recently, wondered how she was and what she was up to, and decided to try and get in touch. I wouldn't read too much into it just yet. I think if he still had proper feelings for her, he probably would have got in touch sooner.
Reply 9
I have two girls that I used to date, that I sometimes consider looking up and ringing them, although I haven't spoken with them in years.

From a female perspective, how would you take that?
From a female perspective and looking back at the type of guys I used to go out with, I would run away, quickly.
Reply 11
I was pretty close to both of these girls and treated them well. In both cases the relationship ended due to outside forces and not due to a lack of affection between us.
Reply 12
Bad idea. You're never "in the same place" after a split.
Reply 13
I have two girls that I used to date, that I sometimes consider looking up and ringing them, although I haven't spoken with them in years.

From a female perspective, how would you take that?

She'd think it was weird and post a thread on a forum to ask what others thought :p: I'm kidding. I'm a guy, so I couldn't answer from that perspective, but as long as it's just to see how they are, and they believe that's genuinely the case, I can't see why there'd be a problem.

From a more defeatist angle, even if she refuses to talk to you, you've not really lost as you don't talk at the momen either.
Reply 14
(Not that I'm doing it! I think it's weird!). All opinions welcome, and it's nothing to do with me, so be as bitchy as you like please! :smile:

I'll refrain from giving my opinions on this issue, as there are apparently two people in this thread, who have a problem with my opinions.
Reply 15
Oh no please do.

It's really not me. Okay, I have a strange ex contacting me, but I just do my best to remain friendly and not tell him where I live!!! :biggrin:

Very good idea, stay away from men as much as you can.

^^The above recommended to all girls. :wink:
Reply 16
Is it weird for someone to want to contact their ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend quite randomly?

I'm talking about say you joined hi5 or facebook, would it be weird to actively search for an ex then message them?

(Not that I'm doing it! I think it's weird!). All opinions welcome, and it's nothing to do with me, so be as bitchy as you like please! :smile:

Does sound abit odd, but it can vary depending on the situation
Reply 17
One of my ex **** puppets 'phoned me randomly 2 weeks ago which I found a little odd, but it was nice to catch up.
It's not weird at all.


Because men are (censored) !!!! :damnmate:
I found an ex of mine on Livejournal kind of by accident through a friend who had him on thier friend list so I deicded to comment and then I added him to my list. We hadn't really spoken to each other for ages but I like chatting to him so all is well. As for my other ex, well I am always emailing him but that is an entirely different and more complicated situation..