Hi everyone, this is my first post on here. Its a very long story so im gonna try and keep it short. Bsaically I ve been seein this girl since the beginning of spetember, were both 2nd year students and are at the same uni. We ve known each otha since the begining of january now. This makes it quite complicated cos when we first met we were kinda seein each otha, but called it off after a few weeks (around end of feb) because she didnt want a relationship. After easter we met up n spent the night 2getha, but still decided 2 be friends after. Between this time and mid july we stayed friends n met up every now and again. We both met up in summer in manchester (where were at uni) n she made a move, we spent the 2getha again. gradually things got more serious as we met up a couple more times over summer... I hope ur all keeping up wiv me lol.
Anyway we properly started seein each other when we both started our second year and been 2getha for 2months now. But there are a few problems. I like her a lot and shes obviously reaveled this about me, but we barely see each other. She lives a 10minute walk away and we only see each other a few times a week at most. We ve spent the night togehter 6 times i think aswell in the 2months. I ve said a few times that its frustrating me a bit but she has a go at me and tells me to stop arguing wiv her, altho im not. She is busy at uni and works hard, so i do understand y we cant see each other at times, but for example, we ll go a couple of days without seein each other and on a night when im free i ll txt her to see if shes busy. She ll reply saying that she jus wants a quite night in with no company becuase shes tired, which annoys me. They'll be other times where we havnt spent the night 2getha for several days and when were both free she ll say that she just wants an early night. Whenever i question her she has a go asking why i dont believe her. I was thinking that it ll get better and we ll start seeing more of each other, but last week we almost split with her saying that shes never gonna have more time for me etc. Things are ok now and cos i really like her im gonna try and accept the fact that we cant see each other as much as i wud like. Advice from my mates is that i shud end it cos she shud want to see me and make time for me, which at times she obviously doesn't, but at times i think that it might just be me making to much of a fuss.... Wot do u guys think to this? Is it jus me or is it a bit out of order? Sorry bout the long thread!