about 5 or 6 pints will get me hammered. most i ever drank was about 10 and i was WASTED beyond belief, could still walk though!
but if i'm just going for a quiet drink in the pub- 2 or 3 pints/glasses of wine. it really depends on the type of night out.
i'm trying to stick to gin and slimline tonic now though as i hope it will reduce my little beer belly.
i'd say about 10-15 units in an average night out clubbing
actually, i tell a lie, we counted it up once. the most i ever drank in a day was over 37 units. but that was on holiday in prague... we started off with a few beers at lunch time and progressed untill 4 am, it included shots, cocktails and beer. i didnt really feel that pissed by the end of it. still went sightseeing the next day!!!