The Student Room Group

Hmmm odd

I was in a seminar last week, tbh i felt pretty dreadful, physically and mentally, kind of found myself on two occasions, errr not interrogatingly (sp inc?), kind of holding a glance at a girl opposite me, across the room...she saw me lookingat her didnt respond...or we may have locked glances the one time for 3-4 seconds thats all...just very odd, meant nothing...just don't why, she looks familar to someone i knew from my first yr at uni...i guess shes attractive but thats not why i was looking at her...anyway...

walking back to my house, off campus today, just walking normally, looked up to see a girl from my Sociology course, not even an acquiantance and i noticed her too late as she did with me to give that polite wave/communication...then 4 seconds later...the girl from last weeks seminar was cycling along the same road, opposite direction to my walking, dont get it...from my own quick glance, im shy so i generally walk with my head down, esp when i approach ppl on the pavement walking past...she looked like she was pIssing herself, not in a nasty way...but smiling, trying not too break out into tears...ffs...perhaps i seriously freaked her least i nicely freaked her out...feckin odd. :eek: I'm not freaky i'd say but can tend to come across as extremely dead pan, serious and sarcastic when i occasionally make contributions in class...its a bit odd i can't be taken seriously...hmm...
Reply 1
does anyone else understand this?
Reply 2
Was your fly open?
nope i dont either
Reply 4
:rofl: Pioca have a cookie :wink:
I'm confused as to what the actual problem is.
Reply 6
Im so confused
Reply 7
and the OP has gone :rolleyes: jackass
hmmm jackass returns :rolleyes:

Basically, its frustrating because i cant be taken seriously...its stupid really, its not the first time...ive done presentations in the past and theres been some sniggles, few bits of laughter...bit odd, have some presentations coming up too...i know its not bad if ppl laugh but hmm...perhaps i come across as very eccentric, maybe i am..
Reply 9
maybe its your constant hmmmmming?
hmmm maybe :eek: Its just odd..i was just minding my own business walking home mid-afternoon, and she looks in stitches...anyway, im going to shut up now because im a jackass :biggrin:
Reply 11
lol its a term of indrement maybe she was thinking about something funny
prehaps she wasnt even laughing at u?
She may not have been...just odd that the moment i looked at her/she saw me, she broke into smiling/chuckling soon as our points met...maybe its one of those occasions where you see ppl smiling to themselves as they walk past, im guilty of that, i.e. remember housemates joke, and start laughing, could just be one of those moments....
maybe she'd told someone about the eyecontact thing and theyd discussed you and something funny was said...seeing you perhapse reminded her of it

nb the 'thing' may not necessarily have been a bad thing

dont change yourself..eccentric people are cool
Reply 15
Ahhhh i get what your saying.....hang on nope, no i dont have a clue. :confused:
Reply 16
Im still confused too.
arghhh :confused: