The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You are taking the day off school because of it? To be perfectly honest if I was her and you confronted me with this I would be pretty worried, you have only been together a month and you sound pretty posessive. People look at people, so what, I bet she looks at Brad Pitt too, who cares. If you are still at school you are what 17 and I assume she is the same which means she was with one of them when she was 16 and the other when she was 15, that's kids stuff, it means nothing, don't worry about it and for gods sake go to school!
Reply 2
It seems pretty stupid to take a day off school (or more :eek: )because shes looking at her exes, when you yourself admitted you still look at yours. confronting her would be unbelievably stupid, over such a trivial thing. she probably doesnt even realise shes doing it, just habit or whatever. you need to chill and stop being so possessive. also no she wouldnt choose them over you, as you said she had plenty of opportunity and there are probably good reasons why she finished with her exes. you are being a tad insecure here.

(and what you said about her younger sister is just wrong btw and if she ever heard about it im guessing you and her would be over)

sorry i have a younger sister whos 16 and if any bf of mine said anything along those lines.....grrrr
Reply 3
thanks for the mature replies

yeah...i know it's possessive, but it works both ways, and if she caught me looking at my ex she would get pissed too...

and i dont know if it makes any difference but the boys broke up with her, not the other way round, so i dont know

and yeah...about the sister thing i also realise this is wrong, i make sure nothing ever comes of it and that i steer well clear, it's not like i can help it though...

as i said though we've been together a month but have liked eachother way before that, and you know when you come across a good girl? it's that. i'm just making sure there are no cobwebs from the past...and if i find out there are then it's best to leave it now rather than later...
Reply 4
Shes had relationships with these guys, and you have with your ex's, of course they are going to get more attention than some joe bloggs in the room,just because you've broken up doesnt mean you forget the feelings and experiences you had together and they just just dissapear.

Talk to her about it, explain why you feel insecure and i'm sure she would understand.
Reply 5
I'm sorry, but everyone looks at other people, even if they're in the most happy relationship in the whole of human existance. If you can't stand your girlfriend looking at other men then maybe you aren't ready for relationships, or you need to move to Iran where women would get stoned for doing it, so therefore are pretty unlikely to risk it.
Reply 6
you can;t compare her with your ex thats just silly