The Student Room Group
No, it's not.
It's full of black people, so you should fit in fine.
Reply 3
Thanks :biggrin:
No, you'll be fine :smile:

(I live by Kingston)
Reply 5
Of course it's not, you idiot.
Reply 6
Quite a few black people there so I doubt it
Majority are black so I feel sorry for anyone racist to black people...Actually no, I don't.
I know this is 10 years ago but yes. Yes, it is. I called out racism and microaggressions and though I didn't go about it in the best way I was silenced by the university. They threatened to suspend me if I didn't apologise to the racist lecturers and put a warning on my profile which I later appealed and won. I was told that I had to hold meetings and get the curriculum changed if I was uncomfortable with this. I provided evidence of racist comments made by teachers which weren't followed upon. I get called racial slurs by classmates, they have set up group chats where they say racist things about me and so on. I am very unsafe here.