The Student Room Group

Have I given myself brain damage??

OK, as some of you may have read in chat the other day, on Monday night I stupidly gave myself alcohol poisoning and was horribly sick from it.

Anyway, my problemis this: It's not 3 days later, and I've started to have serious trouble with concentration. I've been trying to write essays, but what I want to say just won't flow properly... I can't focus on anything at all for more than 30 seconds.

Also been having a few memory issues - lots of words missing from my vocabulary (as in, when sometimes you KNOW you know the word for something but can't think of it) - that's happening all the time. Some other things too, like various proper nouns.

I'm sort of worried that I might have messed up my brain permanently.

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Reply 1
In all honesty, people can give their opinions here, but opinions don't count for ****. Go to your GP and talk with him/her about it.
Reply 2
One instance of excessive drinking can't lead to brain damage, can it?

Go see your doctor.
Reply 3
Yes you have, you now have the same level of intelligence as a particularly stupid cat. Congratulations!! lol!
Reply 4

Go see your doctor.

OMG :eek: good advice not saying he has mental health problems! *faints*
Reply 5
i really think you should go to your doctors and find out whats wrong. Good luck :hugs:
Reply 6
Writers block.

probably becausealcohol does kill brain cells i think...
OMG :eek: good advice not saying he has mental health problems! *faints*

yeah I was thinking that....
Reply 9
little miss observant me :smile:
Reply 10
Its called being a student, I'm have the same issues concerning concentration *avoids work*
Have a beer. You'll feel better for it.
Reply 12
if it doesnt go away soon definately see your doctor..!
I'd say that it is all in your mind.
One instance of excessive drinking can't lead to brain damage, can it?

Go see your doctor.

Holy smokes! Some decent advice from you!
Reply 15
Toy Soldier
OK, as some of you may have read in chat the other day, on Monday night I stupidly gave myself alcohol poisoning and was horribly sick from it.

Anyway, my problemis this: It's not 3 days later, and I've started to have serious trouble with concentration. I've been trying to write essays, but what I want to say just won't flow properly... I can't focus on anything at all for more than 30 seconds.

Also been having a few memory issues - lots of words missing from my vocabulary (as in, when sometimes you KNOW you know the word for something but can't think of it) - that's happening all the time. Some other things too, like various proper nouns.

I'm sort of worried that I might have messed up my brain permanently.

"Does drinking cause you to lose brain cells?
Drinking doesn't actually eliminate brain cells but it does alter them and can interfere with the neuron functioning. Slurred speech, irregular gait, and other effects result from alcohol wreaking havoc with your neurons. Short-term effects are generally reversible and most infrequent or moderate alcohol users will experience no long-term side effects. However, research indicates that abusive use of alcohol for an extended period of time can result in permanent changes in the brain and diminished ability to learn certain types of information, solve complex problems, pay attention, and process visual information."

Article from HERE
Reply 16
probably becausealcohol does kill brain cells i think...

It kills cerebelum or something like that which stops you learning new things. So shouldn't effect things you already know too much...
But alcohol poisoning might be a differnt story because of how much that kind of implies lol.
In all honesty, I'd wait a while. Three days isn't a long time. If you're still having problems in a week or so, go and see your doctor. This could just be an extended hangover. I think if you give yourself alcohol poisoning your hangover could potentially last the rest of the week. Just wait and see if it goes away by itself, before you start worrying.
alcohol can affect your concentration for a few days, i find i cant concentrate after lots of alcohol for 5 days or so, and probewbly due to that lack of sleep from 1 day too. dont worry about it unless it persists
Reply 19
baaah dont worry about it, alcohol damages the liver first before your brain