The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I got diagnosed at 11 with no specific trigger :-\
You mean organisations that deal with young children and depression? I'm not aware of any tbh, wish i had been.
Reply 2
dam is there anything you could suggest it seems theyre just filling her with pills atm
Reply 3
oh god. such a bad idea.
Is she seeing a counsellor?
If there isn't an organisation for children with depression, there should be :frown:.
Reply 5
Yes but she doesnt like them and its too far to go on a regular basis as there is no one local who has space
Reply 6
i had the same problem and they pretty much hung me out to dry.
You could try going to Citizens advice bureau or something, see if they know of anywhere.....
Reply 7
could do i fee lso bad for the family and i know just how this little girl feels :frown:
Reply 8
i know, it sucks ass big time. dont know what else to suggest, sorry.
Reply 9
its ok i would try and talk to her myself but i wouldnt want to seem like im interfering
Reply 10
its ok i would try and talk to her myself but i wouldnt want to seem like im interfering
maybe talk to your friend about it and suggest taking the kid out and trying to talk to her? how old is your friend? im guessing shes not as young as you if she has a 13yr old daughter... altho your friend might still be young, maybe say that the kid may be more open with you because your still quite young? I doubt yourd be able to 'fix' anything... but its obvious you want to help and if this is a close friend i dont really see the harm in you taking her daughter out and just letting her know your there.

good luck

Em xxxx