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This has been going on for nearly 6 months now and i am still in agony :mad:
I have been going to doctors and hospital for it and i've tried allrgy eyedrops and anti-bacterial eyedrops but still my eyes havent respond to any treatment :frown:
so now i dont know whether it is viral conjuctivitis or allergy conjuctivitis, the discharge from my eyes are thick and yellowey.I know this means that my eyes have an infection but its been going on for too long and even antibiotics treatment did nothing :frown:

So has anyone had experiences of conjuctivitis or anything like that similar to mine?
Reply 1
ive had conjuctivitis so many times, but never that bad, maybe you should go to a speaicalist eye doctor (instead of a normal doctor), they may be able to help you a little bit more,

aww i hope you do get better becuase its not a very nice thing to have..
normally it always goes away with drops or ointment....but once i developed iritis which is mega serious and my doc initially said it was conjunctivitis and sent me home with drops. after a week i was nearly blind and demanded to see a consultant- ended up being on steroids for 6 months. i'm fine now!!
i'm sure you don't have this though as it doesn't involve discharge and it's super rare!!
i doubt any1 on here will be able to give you better advice than a doc though. i think you need to see a special eye doctor like i did. it might not even be conjunctivitis, could be blepharitis or something, or maybe they're just giving you the wrng type of antibiotics... go back to your doc and ask to be referred to a consultant urgently cos clearly he doesn't know how to solve it. 6 months is a long time to suffer babe!! get your doc to do something about it now!!!!
good luck.
Reply 3
i had it all through my A levels really bad, they said if i got it again i had to see an eye specialist. ive been okay since then apart from a little irritation when im stressed. make sure you always clean up anything you touch..i know its a pain in the ass but it spreads so easy. always change your bedding and stuff too because you will just keep re-infecting yourself.
Reply 4
Thanks guys!
mademoiselle84 i think i have blehpharitis actually, the doctor did told me to clean my eyes wih babay shampoo but i didnt listen to them and insist its allergy conjuctivitis so im gonna try it out today.
Yeh i did go to the hospital and the opthamologist there are generally crap! They didnt even tell me what i have but they just kept giving me eyedrops :mad:
I think i am quite certain that i have blehpharitis after googling it, it says it may last up to 8-12 months :eek: :frown: but yeh i hope it'll go after i follow the treatment.
I hope i will be OK, not some sevre eye problem
yeh with the iritis mum took me down to casualty after a few days of getting more and more blind and in pain. the doc was really rude and just said that it was cos i wore too much make up!!! then a few days later after flat out demanding to see a specialist i was diagnosed properly. the same thing happened when i fractured my metatarsel bone in my foot- the a&e doc just said my foot was sore cos i was wearing heels!!! subsequent xrays by a specialist 6 months later told the true story!
get it sorted out quickly- id really recommend going to see a specialist.
Reply 6
My rabbit had conjunctavitis and its cure was not that of medicine as it didn't work, but as a result of my other rabbit cleaning it every day.