The Student Room Group


Heey, hmm, was wondering whether anyone that's + 16 was still a virgin, that's a personal question indeed, but it's an anonymous pole (should be)and everyone at school I know isn't, so i was just wondering if this is true with other people, also about the pressure that people of our age have to put up with.. as it's pretty strong where I am... please feel free to do what you like, you needn;'t take the pole as it's a private question... :wink:


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well it depends there could be like 40 year olds voting on this pole, you need to have an upper age limit really.
I know several people my age and older (20+) who are still virgins. I think the idea of young adults losing their virginity at an early age is, indeed, a situation, however I don't think it is as prevalent as some would conceive. It is an idea propogated by TV shows, films, etc, since contemporary media seems to revolve around sexual issues.
Reply 3
well it depends there could be like 40 year olds voting on this pole, you need to have an upper age limit really.

Hmm, how would I do that? I'd probably say 25 as my upper limit...
Reply 4
Can people please write poll? I'm probably being a bit pedantic here, and i might get neg repped, but all this 'pole' stuff is annoying me. xx
Reply 5
Can people please write poll? I'm probably being a bit pedantic here, and i might get neg repped, but all this 'pole' stuff is annoying me. xx

i'm not sure what you mean by 'write pole'??
Reply 6
O and also, one third of britons lose their virginity before 16 and 1/2 of americans do, so maybe it is pretty prevalent, just that you don't see it in your friendship group. I think if people feel ready in themselves and are sensible about it it needn't be a problem. Obviously peer pressure and a lack of education when it comes to theese matters needs to be addressed. xx
Reply 7
you'd have been better off askin what age people lost their virginity, or if they havnt yet. I was 16
Reply 8
i'm not sure what you mean by 'write pole'??

lol, i didn't say write pole, i said write poll. Your anonymous pole is infact a poll, please call it one. An anonymous pole would be an interesting thing indeed. xx
i was 17 and a halh, my bf was 25. And i would have waited longer if the time hadnt been right!
Reply 10
lol, i didn't say write pole, i said write poll. Your anonymous pole is infact a poll, please call it one. An anonymous pole would be an interesting thing indeed. xx

haha, oh yeah, god, i agree totally!! i am normally quite good with my spelling!! :biggrin:
13 :smile:
Reply 12
Happy Cycling
13 :smile:

Really?? impressive, lol. one of my friends was 11. i really can't believe that, though he seems quite certain that it was then!!
Really?? impressive, lol. one of my friends was 11. i really can't believe that, though he seems quite certain that it was then!!

Impressive? I find that quite disturbing.
Reply 14
Impressive? I find that quite disturbing.

Okay, yeah, it's not that impressive in the sense that it's an achievment, it's not. I said it in the way impressive means, for example, you might say that ... well, actually i can't think of an example... so maybe yeah, it was the wrong term to use.. perhaps i'm concerned would be more appropriate?? :rolleyes:
Reply 15
I too find 13 years old to be quite disturbing and having sex that young is not something you should be boasting about, if you were boasting that is.

i have more respect for people who have waited for the right person and not jumped into bed with the first person who they like the look of, even if it means that there 20 or so when they have sex! There is needlessly so much pear pressure these days on young kids to lose their virginity. If your are a virgin, dont worry about it! I find that many people who lost there virginity at a young age regret it anyway. wait until it feels right.

and does anyone else find the idea of a 25yr old going out with a 17 year old a little disturbing, even though it is legal?! Just makes me ask, why can't they find anyone there own age and what are there intentions!?


i once did an anonymous pole, never again.
I too find 13 years old to be quite distribing and having sex that young is not something you should be boasting about, if you were boasting that is.

i have more respect for people who have waited for the right person and not jumped into bed with the first person who they like the look of, even if it means that there 20 or so when they have sex! There is needlessly so much pear pressure these days on young kids to lose their virginity, many of whom will have regrets when there older...

and does anyone else find the idea of a 25yr old going out with a 17 year old a little disturbing, even though it is legal?! Just makes me ask, why can't they find anyone there own age and what are there intentions!?


i once did an anonymous pole, never again.

I tent to agree, I think, personally that having sex in the early teens is pretty disturbing, mainly due to the fact that many people that age are too immature to deal with the emotional stuff that tends to go with sex.

Again with the latter comment, about often men in their mid 20's with girlfriend's in their teens...seems, dunno, somehow seems a bit wrong to me!
Reply 17
I too find 13 years old to be quite distribing and having sex that young is not something you should be boasting about, if you were boasting that is.

i have more respect for people who have waited for the right person and not jumped into bed with the first person who they like the look of, even if it means that there 20 or so when they have sex! There is needlessly so much pear pressure these days on young kids to lose their virginity, many of whom will have regrets when there older...

and does anyone else find the idea of a 25yr old going out with a 17 year old a little disturbing, even though it is legal?! Just makes me ask, why can't they find anyone there own age and what are there intentions!?


i once did an anonymous pole, never again.

Hmm, yeah, I agree here, however my sister (17 in may) is going out with someone who'll be 20 in december, and I find that quite disturbing- however it's quite common these days, I guess the female really has to be sure that their boyfriend is right for them...and I also respect that boyfriend for not loosing his virginity till he was 25- just as you said, he waited till he found the right person...
i think that as long as it's legal (16+), you're in a realationship (preferably) and you're happy and you want to, and you do it safely....why wait?
Hmm, yeah, I agree here, however my sister (17 in may) is going out with someone who'll be 20 in december, and I find that quite disturbing- however it's quite common these days, I guess the female really has to be sure that their boyfriend is right for them...and I also respect that boyfriend for not loosing his virginity till he was 25- just as you said, he waited till he found the right person...
i don't

i was 17 when my ex was 20,

That's nothing compared to some relationships!