OK. Let me be short, I am a student in England, the same is the girl. She is from my country too (let's say we are from Singapore). I met her on the net.
Then after few weeks, we met, talked and I can say the girl is nice. We still kept talking via internet (though we live in the same city), via phone, I usually meet her after school near her house, and she never been rude to me, neither I was.
Few days back, we decided to go to the dinner, and she accepted, after dinner I suggested movie and she did enjoy it.
My only puzzle is, when I ask her if she has got a boyfriend (here or back at home) she never gives me a clue, changing the topic. I don't think she might be lying to me, but I wanted to know what you guys think it might indicate on? Does she have a boyfriend or not? What does these kind of approach mean, she is lovely, I wanna tell her that I do niotice her if there is not someone attached to her.
(couple of times she said, I can find the answer to my question from our dialogues (probably she hints on her leaving the question unanswered), but how, I never know, I even didn't bother to ask her how I can understand if she didn't reply me properly)
Girls, ladies, what would you say she is reacting like, I would highly appreciate especially your views as you are female human beings, who have very secrets usually.