The Student Room Group
Reply 1
YES why not, milk it for all its worth, they may have taken you off the discount card system rendering it useless but hey its worth a go.
Reply 2
ur my kinda person.
they havent invalidated it cos I've just used it. woohoo.
Reply 3
lol thats the way!!!!! :biggrin:
Reply 4
Well normally, at least at Sainsbury's they make you wait a few months to earn your card. Once you've got it I believe its yours until it expires.
Same here, I quit Sainsbury's in August and my card is still working as of 5 minutes ago (being the last time i used it) So hey milk it (I am)
Yeah, use it but make sure you don't get caught using it by one of your ex-managers!

When I worked at Next, my card expired before I'd even quit the shop, so they were pretty tight about it!

Just milk it for all its worth, im sure they wont miss the odd pound saved, saying they make millions of pounds a day lol!
Reply 7
"colleague" discount card, that's soooo sainsbury's isn't it! :rolleyes:

Use it until it expires, you deserve it for working there :cool:
Reply 8
Yeah, I know, what's with the colleagueness?
stupid Sainsbury's
stupid Sainsbury's

Can I persude you to try something new, how about Tesco?
i love working at sainsburys
Reply 12
wayhey i work at sainsburys aswell and got my discount card about a month ago....pretty useful i think
Reply 13
2 day I got a letter saying 'it's come to my attention that you've been using ur card when ur not entitled to, i wud appreciate it if ud send it back 2 us'. uh oh!
are you guys allowed to get discount off food at supermarkets? because im not allowed it on food items... but i get 12.5% off anything else...
Reply 15
Masta Killa
are you guys allowed to get discount off food at supermarkets? because im not allowed it on food items... but i get 12.5% off anything else...

That's so stupid. I get 10% off everything except for stamps and petrol.