The Student Room Group


I've seen lots of threads which go along the lines of I've got "x" wrong with me, what should I do? Most of the time the advice is basically see your makes sense... Some people offer advice as to what it could be...I think most of the times they are trying to help but some of that advice or ideas on what it could be sound scary!! But would you mind being told what it could be and how seriously would you take it?
Reply 1
I'd take the advice into account. By giving opinions before seeing a doctor, you become more useful to the doctor by possibly asking them what it could be. it is like opening more doors. When i mkae threads on here, i listen to the advice and then if i feel that there is a key point to it, i will ask my doctor about it. I think closing threads because they may be "scaremongering" is not really a very good reason. Of course the simple answer is to see the doctor, but the person who made it obviously wants to know peoples opinions about it at the same time.
Reply 2
Subtle, LPK :p:

There was nothing more constructive going to be said in that thread, and people were not coming up with anything more useful, just making it more likely that this poor person is going to genuinely believe they have cancer (which is insanely unlikely).

Advice on here can be really good, sometimes people do know what they're talking about and can genuinely help people. Sometimes, when it comes to more serious/mysterious medical problems, there are VERY dodgy diagnoses and statements that could make things much worse. I hope most people take things with a pinch of salt, but if they're in a worried state about their health, they're much more likely to believe anything they're told.
Reply 3
hehe, i like you really :p:

I just think some threads in here arent really to do with health or relationships, and some threads that could offer advice can get locked because people see it as a chance to make stupid irregular comments.
Reply 4
Dont forget that alot of the people on TSR are medical students, so they may be able to offer better advice than others, just look at the persons credentials really.
I love it when someone comes on here and says "my head hurts a bit", and then someone goes "yeah i think you have brain damage, go to the hospital so they can operate". Jokes.
Reply 6
I think if I had something wrong with me, I'd be inclined to ask my friends or my mum, not a bunch of people who I don't really know. I'm too shy for that!