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my bf did 8 times in one night, it can be done
Reply 2
apparently there's the "seven w*nk wall" - its physically impossible to do it more than seven times a day
is it natural for a guy to like .... 9 times in a row?

im not a guy, jus a very concerned girl from what ive heard abt my friend that i like

I definitely wouldn't say it's 'normal', but by all means possible and wouldn't/shouldn't do any harm
apparently there's the "seven w*nk wall" - its physically impossible to do it more than seven times a day

yeah my friend apparently broke the 9 w*nks barrier or something to that effect
Reply 5
I found the original post kinda hard to understand. What's wrong with the words "masturbate", "orgasm" and "ejaculate"?
apparently there's the "seven w*nk wall" - its physically impossible to do it more than seven times a day

Masturbation habits :D

9 times? I think my balls would ache too much to go that far!
Reply 8
It's absolutely fine as long as it doesn't become compulsive - could lead to problems in relationships if you chain-masturbate. The other thing is that you can become rather sore if you do it too often. I'd say four times is a good daily maximum.
Reply 9
9 times a day??

I'd have to ask why?
I found the original post kinda hard to understand. What's wrong with the words "masturbate", "orgasm" and "ejaculate"?

im quite a prude at times lol
9 times a day??

I'd have to ask why?

he is extremely horny i guess-and this is the boy i used to think was shy and innocent

and theres a thing going round that he's done it like 2000 times in the past 3 weeks-which is physically impossible or maybe he's some kinda super boy :wink: ill have 2 find out lol
generally, guys (and girls perhaps) do the business when theyre bored and have nothing better to do. maybe he needs to find a hobby...
i dunno, when horny im sure people enjoy to orgasm lots, i cant actually orgasm at all, but im sure if i could, i would!
apparently there's the "seven w*nk wall" - its physically impossible to do it more than seven times a day

My mate swears he done 14 times in one day. He was having a competition with another kid. How I miss school.
Reply 14
is it natural for a guy to like .... 9 times in a row?

im not a guy, jus a very concerned girl from what ive heard abt my friend that i like

Nine quality times? Or something like what happened in American Pie? :biggrin:
Nine quality times? Or something like what happened in American Pie? :biggrin:

i really didnt feel like enquiring bout the details, im still getting my head round him being a compulsive "wan*er"
Reply 16
and theres a thing going round that he's done it like 2000 times in the past 3 weeks-which is physically impossible or maybe he's some kinda super boy :wink: ill have 2 find out lol
Ugh, I don't want to think about that...yes, that's physically impossible. If he did that, it would be an average of 4 an hour, every hour, for the entire duration of the three weeks.

i cant actually orgasm at all, but im sure if i could, i would!
Aww :hugs:
I've seen your topic about that, but haven't posted in it since I doubt I'd be able to give any positive advice or anything for you...
Never actually heard of anyone in quite as bad a position as you (not being able to orgasm regardless of what you try), though I've heard that 70% of women are unable to have an orgasm through penetrative never specified if that was that they were completely unable to do it or if their partners just didn't keep them going long enough, but I'm not really wanting to think about that :rolleyes:
Reply 17
9 times! OW! :eek:
9 times! OW! :eek:

Yeah thats what I was thinking! Wouldn't it just hurt??!
is he trying to break his personal record?