The Student Room Group

Sure fire way to tell a girl likes you

Does anyone have any tell tale signs

My situation is that I moved to a new school for sixth from and recently I have been spending lunch with a group of people, a few guys and mainly girls (most the blokes go to town and I can't be bothered lol) Well anyway me and this girl have been getting on and have I get the impression she might like me ( the feeling would be mutual lol), but I don't know how much she is being extra friendly to me coz i'm the new guy. She always seems to be laughing and joking around me and talking to me quite a bit, but I don't know if I'm being to sensitive to all of it coz i like her.

So again any sure fire giveaways, or plans to find out for sure

Try not to be ridiculous

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she would hold eye contact longer than the next guy.
excessive touching
Reply 2
When she is protective of you? ...
I've got a similar problem. Seen her looking at me quite often. But... all the signs say she wouldn't fancy me, cos her mates tell me I'm not her type. But SHE KEEPS LOOKING AT ME!

Reply 4
A girl will laugh with you more, touch you more, make an effort to sit with you or find out where you are going out to (if its a fri or sat evening or something) maybe she will try and come along, or if I liked a guy I would prob text him or something just being friendly but making coversation. If you think she likes you she probably does because if shes a nice girl shes hardly going to be all over you in 2 seconds flat in the middle of the 6th form common room! I would just ask her if she wants to go out sometime (you said you liked her) if she says yes you will know she LIKES you LIKES you, and if she says 'well who else is going?' or 'wow yes ill tell my friends to come too' then she sees you as a freind, I'd ask her out somewhere, you stand nothing to loose and it sounds like she has the hots for you matey. PM and let me know how you get on or post it up here!
A girl will laugh with you more, touch you more, make an effort to sit with you or find out where you are going out to (if its a fri or sat evening or something) maybe she will try and come along, or if I liked a guy I would prob text him or something just being friendly but making coversation. If you think she likes you she probably does because if shes a nice girl shes hardly going to be all over you in 2 seconds flat in the middle of the 6th form common room! I would just ask her if she wants to go out sometime (you said you liked her) if she says yes you will know she LIKES you LIKES you, and if she says 'well who else is going?' or 'wow yes ill tell my friends to come too' then she sees you as a freind, I'd ask her out somewhere, you stand nothing to loose and it sounds like she has the hots for you matey. PM and let me know how you get on or post it up here!

Cheers, will post the result, when i get one
Reply 6
gd luck!

I would like to add that when i like a boy im always shy until i get 2 know them really well then im myself. Text her asking her how her days been, if she txts back in the first 2 mins then she likes u a lot but if it takes bout 10+ tyhen she sees u as a m8 HOWEVER if it takes like 2 hours then she myt also like u coz shes prob on the phone 2 her m8 asking what she should say back! Trust me i do it all the time!
Reply 7
^ What a ****ing silly comment.

The majority of people i've ever texted who have liked me have taken at least an hour to text back, because they don't want to seem desperate, i do it aswell. Ain't about texting literally straight back.
Reply 8
she would hold eye contact longer than the next guy.
excessive touching

Both reliable signs, in my opinion; extenuating circumstances [i.e. medical emergency] notwithstanding.
Reply 9
Meat Loaf Rocks
Does anyone have any tell tale signs

My situation is that I moved to a new school for sixth from and recently I have been spending lunch with a group of people, a few guys and mainly girls (most the blokes go to town and I can't be bothered lol) Well anyway me and this girl have been getting on and have I get the impression she might like me ( the feeling would be mutual lol), but I don't know how much she is being extra friendly to me coz i'm the new guy. She always seems to be laughing and joking around me and talking to me quite a bit, but I don't know if I'm being to sensitive to all of it coz i like her.

So again any sure fire giveaways, or plans to find out for sure

Try not to be ridiculous[/QUOT

send her a text. alot of girls do certain things in texts wen they like a guy like sending kisses. plus when ur not face to face you can flirt more easily.
Reply 10
thought all girls did that?? :s
Reply 11
more flirt the more she likes ya.. but theres some girls that are just hard to get, mind you, theres this girl i like and whenever i pm her in yahoo messenger it takes about 15 mins for her to reply before we start a free flowing conversation, later on i found out she liked me, and the reason she did that was because she didnt want things to be too obvious, because she was in doubt whether i had a crush on this other woman.. however we never went on though
Reply 12
plus when ur not face to face you can flirt more easily.

Indeed; to this end, I find the [flirt] tag indispensable. Alternatively, for those less versed in the mystic art of HTML, nothing says 'I'm blindingly unsubtle' like an emote.
Reply 13
thought all girls did that?? :s

yeh girls do text kisses to girls and guys who are mates. But if they combine flirting AND kisses say youre in with a chance.
Reply 14
gd luck!

I would like to add that when i like a boy im always shy until i get 2 know them really well then im myself. Text her asking her how her days been, if she txts back in the first 2 mins then she likes u a lot but if it takes bout 10+ tyhen she sees u as a m8 HOWEVER if it takes like 2 hours then she myt also like u coz shes prob on the phone 2 her m8 asking what she should say back! Trust me i do it all the time!

Lol no offence but thats really stupid.... What if they dont have their phone on them at the time? And I hate these games people play with text messages - if you're going to reply just reply. None of this 'I dont fancy them so I'll reply in 10 minutes'. Argh drives me insane lol.
If she gives it up to you, she likes you. :biggrin:
Reply 16
Its depressing that in this day and age we are resorting to texting people you like instead of er talking :rolleyes:
Well you know your in the 21st century when you email the person in the room down the dorm.
Reply 18
oh deary me
I'm lost.