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Reply 1
Wild Packs are similar to Camp America and help you to work at a USA summer camp :smile:

Check the Camp America thread on here, lots of advice & people applying! These are some similar companies you might want to apply with too: Camp Leaders, BUNAC, InterExchange

Check feedback on facebook etc before you apply and make your decision, its an amazing summer! Good luck :smile:
(edited 6 years ago)
Reply 2
Thanks a lot for your answer.

I know those camps, although I have to read the threads, but I was looking for an opinion of those Wild Packs camps. At a first sight, it seems that Wild Packs camps are better paid than the other, but I can´t find any review/opinion of them.
Reply 3
Hey, I applied only two days ago, and the day after I applied I got a phonecall from them sayig they liked my application etc, so they do seem very quick at getting in touch with you, ive been searching around and wild packs do seem like one of the better camps around, just because of the pay, and they way they treat their staff, good luck with it!
Reply 4
I just applied through wild packs too! But yeah i can't find any reviews for them either which is kind of weird. So i'm just hoping that they aren't dodgy.
Reply 5
I have been going to camp for years and know the folk behind Wild Packs. They are all summer camp people and their system is set to help encourge folk that want to go to camp for the right reasons. They work with great camps and I can only say good things about them. From my experience, my advice is to call them and ask them your questions, they will give you an honest answer even if you have registered with another agency. They have only been going for a couplde of years which is why there are not many reviews, you should tell them to get on that though. Hope this helps and get excited for a great summer.
Reply 6
Thanks guys! This sounds great! Made me even more excited now! Hopefully i will get placed somewhere soon! and the people in the office are really friendly :biggrin:
Reply 7
Original post by johnny coke
Thanks a lot for your answer.

I know those camps, although I have to read the threads, but I was looking for an opinion of those Wild Packs camps. At a first sight, it seems that Wild Packs camps are better paid than the other, but I can´t find any review/opinion of them.

Check this link out for a complete comparison of the big three main companies. As far as I know AmeriCamp pay the most, but I don't know what Wild pack pay, couldn't find anything on their website either?! Very strange?!

Only thing I know about Wild pack was the dodgy posts by a staff member pretending to be a student that were reported as spam on the thread (link below) which annoyed my mate! Camp America v AmeriCamp v BUNAC

I know from my own experience that AmeriCamp are really good and heard good things about Camp Leaders. You will find BUNAC jump on every thread regarding summer camps trying to get you to apply to them, but they are always on hand to also answer questions and are helpful. All the organisations get you there, it just depends on what you are looking for and if you are persuaded by an organisation or not. The comparison chart should help you.

Hope this helps :smile:
Reply 8
Many thanks for the link
Reply 9
i applied to wild packs yesterday, havent heard back from them yet though.
Reply 10

I've been accepted into the Wild Packs, they called me today.
Please let me now ASAP.
Is it worth it?
Is it a scam?- some people has said it's a scam.

I don't want to be getting myself into something dodgey
For those that think Wild Packs a scam, you need only condsier what they do...

We, and I say wem because I work in the Wild Packs Office, really try to offer a fair and supportive service for anyone that should choose to request our support.

I might suggest a more positive approach in future...why not ask us directly?

Let me lead the way....My name is Jamie, I am the lead Placement director for Wild Packs, If you have question, call the office, ask for me directly.

We are not a scam. We spend our time supporting our participants. I have repsonded to this thread as it was drawn to my attention by a worried staff member.

We speak ill of no person. Why not take some time to really understand what you comment on before you try and ill mark a team that does not deserve it.

I await you direct responce in the form of a call to the office.

Kind regards

Reply 12
I have recently applied with Wild Packs and I have recieved a massive amount of support from all the staff based within the office. My application has been successful and I am very excited about recieving a placement!

It was recommened to me through my university (Robert Gordons) and I know that they would not recommend it if it were a scam.

Although I have not previously been to camp, all of the videos on the website look promising and give a realistic image of what camp life is like.

Reply 13
Wildpacks is good for some people, but having applied this year i have found them really bad for me. Originally applying in about March i assumed that by May I would know where i was going. However they encouraged me to sign a programme called the 'up in the air programme' which meant that they could leave it until 24 hours before leaving to place me at a camp. I was unsure whether or not to sign the document but to quote the email they sent me 'Last year we placed 100% of people who went for the “Up in the Air” option' and 'Placement priority will be given to those individuals who commit'. They really encouraged me to sign this agreement, on which it was stated that if you don't get placed you will not be refunded the £100 proof of intent or the money spent on the embassy. Although it was my final decision to sign the document, I feel that they mislead me into believing that i would definitely be placed, which consequently made me feel confident in signing the document. In the end I wasn't placed. I waited until almost the last moment which meant that i had no back up summer plans or jobs. I now have a visa so have literally thrown money down the drain, AND can't get my £100 proof of intent back. Although it was ultimately my decision to sign the up in the air agreement i feel that they led me to sign this under false pretenses. I would not recommend them to anyone despite the fact the staff are friendly from an outward perspective.
You shouldn't have taken the risk. All agencies do the same thing, especially camp america. Wild Packs are great.

I was on the up in the air program last summer. It allowed me to get to camp and have an amazing summer. I'm sorry to hear about your experience but it was clearly stated to us in the document that they cannot guarantee a place. Camps always choose to hire people last people last minute, which is great for some folk that don't get placed till later but still need a visa.

The customer service at wild packs is second to none, honest, know loads about camp. Best summer ever.
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 15
@lukeholland1992 what date did you get placed? I'm on it and I'm still waiting:mad:
Original post by rodrod
@lukeholland1992 what date did you get placed? I'm on it and I'm still waiting:mad:

I would say keep phoning up and pestering them. You're showing a major interest that way.

My experience with Wild Packs has been pretty great actually. A guy called Tom generally dealt with all my requests and placement, but i also spoke to Jenny too when an opportunity to work at a camp she has dealt with before came to light.

I remember i filled in my section 2 of my application and I got a phone call 3 minutes later, Now that's what you call rapid response.

You have to really make an effort and keep phoning up and checking with these guys. I know you will feel like you are annoying them but they will be happy you are showing such an interest and wanting to get things moving. :biggrin:
I applied to wild packs in March, and have not be placed. I have sent a number of emails requesting my £100 payment of intent to be returned to me but have had no reply?
I was told my application was good but never heard from any camps. Very disappointed with the follow up after paying the payment of intent.
Reply 18
I'm looking at applying to Wild Packs for next year. I found them online, made an enquiry and the woman who responded seemed really interested in me and wanted me to apply. I've filled out all of my application apart from submitting it. Can someone please tell me how good it is, what the staff are like, how staff are treated etc because I don't want to waste my money!
subbed-it's a sexy rival to Camp America, the Burger King of its kind