The Student Room Group
guys and girls get just as doesnt matter on your gender, it just depends on who you are- some people are more sensitive to break ups, whereas others arent.

some people think guys don't really get that upset after breakups, but boys just hide their emotions, and are ashamed of feeling hurt, and showing they're feeling hurt, because it manifests a weakness which goes against their macho pretences :p:

but really, like you said, deep down, we're all the same when it comes to love !
Reply 2
some guys seem tough on the outside and seem like they only want 1 thing, but thats not always true!! the same with girls some girls can make out like thye are totally in love when all they want is abit of fun!!,

if i do start goig out with someone from now on its not for sercuirty or for them to take care of me its to take care of each other (but i don;t think that will happen in the next 1,000 years lol)
Reply 3
Don't know if its true, but it seems that guys get a lot more upset when they lose a girl than girls get when they lose boyfriends. From what Ive heard girls in general like guys for protection, security, support etc and guys mainly want sex, attractiveness in return (or is this a load of rubbish?) So why would guys get really upset if they can just move on to another girl?

Or is this all just stereotype are guys and girls basically after the same when it comes to love? :redface: :biggrin:

I think guys just hide it better. Girls have the support network of their mates, whereas boys get ridiculed for showing sensitivity in front of other boys.
Reply 4
Also Ive never seen a girl run crying to a guy asking if he'l go back out with yet, yet I know a lot of guys have gone crying to a girl. My point was I think girls are stronger with this kind of thing.
Reply 5
Don't know if its true, but it seems that guys get a lot more upset when they lose a girl than girls get when they lose boyfriends. From what Ive heard girls in general like guys for protection, security, support etc and guys mainly want sex, attractiveness in return (or is this a load of rubbish?) So why would guys get really upset if they can just move on to another girl?

Becuase for some, if not most guys it is very hard to get a gf (for a few nigh on impossible) hence losing one means there may be a long gap. Girls have a far bigger choice. Some guys can go on from one girl to another and they arent going to be upset by it.

Also don't forget i think something like 70-75% of relationships are ended by the girl, and being the one who has ended it is easier as you are in control of the situation.
Reply 6
It's all to do with what the person was hoping to achieve from the relationship. Quite often, girls want a loving, hopefully long term maybe resulting in marriage relationship and guys just want to have fun. Obviously that's not true in all cases, but quite often it is. I think that's why girls can get more upset. Also, girls tend to show their emotions more.
Reply 7
Don't know if its true, but it seems that guys get a lot more upset when they lose a girl than girls get when they lose boyfriends.

Um no otherway round i think :confused: