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Reply 1
just wondering does anyone have any good advice for physio interviews? i've got my 1st reply..for a uni ST GEORGES...any1 know what kind of things they ask?? are the interviews formal? how formal should i go??
any advice or commments would be good..

I'm a first year at georges :smile: I'd go dressed smart casual - well thats how I was. Just make sure you feel comfortble! Some people go in suits and some quite dressed down. Samrt casual is the way to go I think :smile:

They ask all the usual questions - why a physio, tell us about your work experience, what are the stresses and strains of working in the NHS etc. Its impossible to give a definitive idea of the questions they ask as it does vary between applicant to applicant as they pick things from your personal statement and ask you on those too.

As lng as you remain calm you'#ll be fine - they aren't there to trick you, they want you to tell them things! Just don#t lie!

Il might be one oft he students doing Q&A sessions so I might see you there!
Reply 2
thanks for the advice!!
casual smart it is then :tongue:

so the general it formal? or are the interviews quite laid back? hope its more laid back..less nerve wracking then !

1 more thing..did they compare..and say why a physio and not a doctor/nurse? any advice on how 2 prepare for it.....
What would you say to them if you've only had a limited amount of experience? Like if they go 'so what have you done hands on' coz if they say that, I'm gonna be screwed lol. Hopefully they won't ask that, it's the subjects that count, right? I mean I've had *some* experience but it was only a couple of hours a few avos per week in the holidays.
Reply 4
What would you say to them if you've only had a limited amount of experience? Like if they go 'so what have you done hands on' coz if they say that, I'm gonna be screwed lol. Hopefully they won't ask that, it's the subjects that count, right? I mean I've had *some* experience but it was only a couple of hours a few avos per week in the holidays.

unless you have a proper qualification in something like sports massage you probably wo't have mucvh"hands on" experience and the uni's know this - observational is enough to suffice :smile:
thanks for the advice!!
casual smart it is then :tongue:

so the general it formal? or are the interviews quite laid back? hope its more laid back..less nerve wracking then !

1 more thing..did they compare..and say why a physio and not a doctor/nurse? any advice on how 2 prepare for it.....

My interview was very laid back - you only have two interviewers in with you and you go and sit in one of their offices - the lecturers here are great so no need to panic! You're allowed to say you don't know! And inter

Waht day is your interview?
Reply 5
my interview is 07/12!
are u doing any talks or showing people around that day?? so what's st georges like a uni? what is the course like, in general?
Reply 6
my interview is 07/12!
are u doing any talks or showing people around that day?? so what's st georges like a uni? what is the course like, in general?

Wehn they're interviewing others we'll be sitting in a room with you guys answering any questions you have and just general gossiping - then we'll give you a tour :smile:

George's is great I love it here, and thats not me being biased! The tutors are great and really know their stuff! Its abit busy as you can imagine because its bang smack in the middle of the hospital so they have all the patients, docs and students walking around. Really does give you an idea of what it'll be like to work in that kind of environment so it's nice. In the first term you do the common foundation programme with the medics, radiographers, nurses and biomedics. Days usually go as follows

Monday - 9am - 3/4 - Lecs
Tues - 9am-12.30pm - Lecs plus clinical visits and special lectures in the afternoon
Weds - 9am -12.30pm - Lecs - every weds afternnon off for sport/self study
Thurs - 9-12.30pm - Lecs and dissecting room practicals. 2pm-5pm - Clincal cubicles practicals.
Fri - 9-12.30 - Lecs. 2-4pm - Lecs (althoguh not everyweek)

Basically in the first term there is ALOT of physiology and basic anatomy - the dissecting room is an amazing resource. After xmas the physio specific stuff starts although you do have some introductory lecs before xmas.

I won't lie and say its easy - its hard work. On top of my lecs I do around another 20-24 hours directed study a week which includes reading around and re-writing notes and stuff. They cram ALOT of info into the first term and at times it can get over bearing - however I'd rather have this than what I've heard about UEL (no offence to anyone who's gonna apply there) but I haven't heard good things about it, and you're left to your own devices to learn alot of stuff...........alot of people from there have been complaining that they aren't getting enough tutor support.

If you're prepared to put the work in you will get alot of stuff from the common foundation programme.
Reply 7
Thanks once again for the useful info! gives me a good insight! =)
yeah i was going to apply to UEL , but i didnt, only because i wanted a uni in LONDON! it's good to hear you get full tutor support!
but yes i can imagine all the work i will have to put in.. So the week is quite fulll....what are the lectures like in general? just giving you a lot of notes? and wow many hours studying outside..i guess that is what is expected, if u want to do well.
Guessing physio. isn't as laid back as other subjects at uni :tongue:
Reply 8
Thanks once again for the useful info! gives me a good insight! =)
yeah i was going to apply to UEL , but i didnt, only because i wanted a uni in LONDON! it's good to hear you get full tutor support!
but yes i can imagine all the work i will have to put in.. So the week is quite fulll....what are the lectures like in general? just giving you a lot of notes? and wow many hours studying outside..i guess that is what is expected, if u want to do well.
Guessing physio. isn't as laid back as other subjects at uni :tongue:

Lectures on the whole are good although slightly tedious when you've been sitting in the lecture theatr since 8.30am! They give you books at the beginning of term with the lecture notes for the whole term in and you're expected to annotate them with extra info plkus do additonal reading. There are around 400 of us to a lecture split betwene 3 different room.s The main room has the lecturer in and the bulk of students. Eeveryone else goes to spill over lecture rooms which are tv and microphone linked so you can see, hearand speak to the lecturers
Reply 9
Eeveryone else goes to spill over lecture rooms which are tv and microphone linked so you can see, hearand speak to the lecturers

what do you mean by spill over lecture rooms? tv and mic. linked sounds every1 gets 1? or js in that room?
uni. experience definitely going to be different!! i'm excited..hope it's all good..and not tooo stressful =)
Reply 10
what do you mean by spill over lecture rooms? tv and mic. linked sounds every1 gets 1? or js in that room?
uni. experience definitely going to be different!! i'm excited..hope it's all good..and not tooo stressful =)

by spill over lecture rooms I just mean 2 additoinal rooms that people can go to if they can't get into the main room. The lecturer and the powerpoint presentation gets beamed up on the wall and you can hear and see the lecturer talking. Everyone doesn't get their own microphone and tv - you can all see and hear him at the same time - does that make sense?
Reply 11
Ohh i see! i understand! SOunds very high tech :tongue:
Anyways thanks for all the info, it's all been very useful!
Reply 12
my interview is 07/12!
are u doing any talks or showing people around that day?? so what's st georges like a uni? what is the course like, in general?

I'm new here...hello everyone! I'm a mature student and I applied to study Physio. I received a reply from St George's and have an interview fixed for some time in March. It was originally December but as I live in Jersey I had to re-schedule to try and fit other interviews around each other (for cost!). Would be interested to know how the interview went on 7/12? Any tips would be welcome. Great to hear from people who are in the know and are already at St George's.
Reply 13
I'm new here...hello everyone! I'm a mature student and I applied to study Physio. I received a reply from St George's and have an interview fixed for some time in March. It was originally December but as I live in Jersey I had to re-schedule to try and fit other interviews around each other (for cost!). Would be interested to know how the interview went on 7/12? Any tips would be welcome. Great to hear from people who are in the know and are already at St George's.
dreams was there and could probably tell you hehe

I'm a first year there and hav just cmpleted my 1st term so feel free to ask any questions you have. I might be on the showing round student question thing you have on interview day so I might see you around!
Reply 14
dreams was there and could probably tell you hehe

I'm a first year there and hav just cmpleted my 1st term so feel free to ask any questions you have. I might be on the showing round student question thing you have on interview day so I might see you around!

hey yeh i had ma interview already..(last week) umms it was ok.but coz it was my 1st interview..wasn't the smoothest..coz sum Qu's asked u get thrown lyk..'how do u learn?'

but as long as u keep your calm..don't panic..then its all ok ..generally =) i had 2 people interviewing me. anything u wana know in specific?
yeh ive gt my st georges interview sheduled for erly march and was wondering....what type of questions do they ask??anything in particular?any precise answers??what are they looking for?what type of things did they ask you?are u put under pressure?thanx
Reply 16
yeh ive gt my st georges interview sheduled for erly march and was wondering....what type of questions do they ask??anything in particular?any precise answers??what are they looking for?what type of things did they ask you?are u put under pressure?thanx

ahh well done for getting thru the 1st part =) I got rejected =P
Is this your 1st interview? basically the letter they sent out 2 a lot of help..with the stuf they will ask u..

There's no precise answers's down 2 yourself what ure views are..and the questions i got asked wasnt the necessarily the same as the girl who i met that day lol ..she got asked about NHS stuff? luckily i didnt..=)

There were 2 interviewers...i felt that it was kind of more formal than the 1 i had a brighton..where i had onli 1 woman..and it felt more like a chat..!! it depends who u get..the 2 i had..i felt like theyw ere constantly firing questions at me loll

but anyways i remember being asked: Why u wana do physio..crucial qu.! do u do any sports? how do u learn? im guessing u hav 2 say independent learning!!!!!
strengths/weaknesses of well as ure opinion on the strengths a physio needs....
work exp..what did u learn..the best part?

these are the kinda questions i got ...i hope its useful to you =)
where else have u applied for?
ahh well done for getting thru the 1st part =) I got rejected =P
Is this your 1st interview? basically the letter they sent out 2 a lot of help..with the stuf they will ask u..

There's no precise answers's down 2 yourself what ure views are..and the questions i got asked wasnt the necessarily the same as the girl who i met that day lol ..she got asked about NHS stuff? luckily i didnt..=)

There were 2 interviewers...i felt that it was kind of more formal than the 1 i had a brighton..where i had onli 1 woman..and it felt more like a chat..!! it depends who u get..the 2 i had..i felt like theyw ere constantly firing questions at me loll

but anyways i remember being asked: Why u wana do physio..crucial qu.! do u do any sports? how do u learn? im guessing u hav 2 say independent learning!!!!!
strengths/weaknesses of well as ure opinion on the strengths a physio needs....
work exp..what did u learn..the best part?

these are the kinda questions i got ...i hope its useful to you =)
where else have u applied for?

ummmm...yh thanx alot...that does help...ive also applied to kings,briton bhirmingham,brunel and keele....did u get rejected after your interview??i`ve never had formal has acceppted u?any rejections?....ive been given an interview by st georges and brighton...bharmingham and brunel rejected me waiting for kings and keele to gt bak 2 me...
Reply 18
ummmm...yh thanx alot...that does help...ive also applied to kings,briton bhirmingham,brunel and keele....did u get rejected after your interview??i`ve never had formal has acceppted u?any rejections?....ive been given an interview by st georges and brighton...bharmingham and brunel rejected me waiting for kings and keele to gt bak 2 me...

kings don't interviwew :smile:
Reply 19
ummmm...yh thanx alot...that does help...ive also applied to kings,briton bhirmingham,brunel and keele....did u get rejected after your interview??i`ve never had formal has acceppted u?any rejections?....ive been given an interview by st georges and brighton...bharmingham and brunel rejected me waiting for kings and keele to gt bak 2 me...

umms it was over 2 weeks b4 they got back to me! but they might reply quicker for u ..coz your the last lot? is it ? not too sure..but i was 1st lot they probably had 2 wait , etc

it depends which interviewers u get ..and how they come across ..=) it was my 1st one..and i had no idea what to i didnt perform and say answers that was as gd as i could have lol ..where as i did finee with brighton interview =) got accepted by them! kings/brunel/herts! rejected by st georges lol and UWE yeah iv heard from all of my uni's!!
good luckk with yours =p