The Student Room Group

New guidelines re:missed pills

hi all
i've just found some rather interesting information on the FPA website regarding missed pills for combined pill users.

apparently, the new information released states that you can safely miss two pills in a row without needing extra contraception, unless you're taking the lower dose pills mercilon, femodette or loestrin 20.

you apparently only need to use extra precautions if u miss three or more!

this was quite a surprise to me! not sure i'll follow it though, i'd rather be safe than sorry.

take a look here:

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Reply 1
I would always use extra contraception if I even missed 1 pill by more than 6hrs..I'm suprised at the new guidlines!
Reply 2
yeah me too, technically they're saying you can be 48 hours late with a pill without needing to worry... rather than the original 12 hours stated in most pill leaflets.

oh and just thought i'd point out these guidelines only apply to combined pill users. the 3 hour rule still applies to mini pill users.
wow wish i'd known that before! i have always let myself get really worked up if i miss a pill. not good for me or my bf!
But I'm on the patch now, so its ok, no worries at all!
Reply 4
And you can only miss them by that much once every cycle, and it says if you do the same in two cycles you may not be protected.

I don't find it that hard to remember to be honest, so I'm not worried. It is slightly reassuring though, considering I managed to throw up two pills (well, probably) yesterday :frown:
Reply 5
yeah i find it reassuring but i think i'd rather be safe than sorry.

do you think the pill manufacturers will change the info in their leaflets, or just keep it as the 12 hour rule so they arent liable for anything?
Reply 6
Even the first 7 pills which are supposed to be the most important?
I don't even trust the pill on its own with perfect use! But that's because I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm probably incredibly fertile. Everyone in my family has always been able to pop out babies on demand.
if i missed one pill, that'd be it, a second form, im not tempting fate!
Reply 9
I use two anyway - I absolutely cannot afford to get pregnant at this stage in my education so I like to have the peace of mind.
I use two anyway - I absolutely cannot afford to get pregnant at this stage in my education so I like to have the peace of mind.

You mean you take 2 pills a day? :confused:
Reply 11
Hm, I'm still going to continue to use backup if I miss the pill by more than 12 hours.. I'm sure there's only a tiny chance of pregnancy, but I really can't afford to get pregnant right now.

Reply 12
Even the first 7 pills which are supposed to be the most important?

apparently so! the only advice given re the 7 day rule is that if you have missed three or more pills (standard strength) and are in the last 7 days off your packet, you shouldnt have the week break as well.
Why is it concerning if it's medically true?
I think these new guidelines will cause a big confusion and alot of unwanted pregnancies. Everyone is different, some women could probably get away with missing a days pill and doubling up the following, whereas others will still get pregnant. This worries me. My guidelines - If in doubt, don't do owt!!!
2 methods of contraception, helenia means methinks! :p:

Ohhh! :p: Can you take the morning after pill even if you're on the pill to minimise any risks?
Reply 16
Why is it concerning if it's medically true?

because it encourages people to have a more casual attitude towards taking the pill I'm guessing. I used to be absolutely anal about taking mine at the same time every day.
Reply 17
Ohhh! :p: Can you take the morning after pill even if you're on the pill to minimise any risks?

You CAN, but it would be bad for you to take it every time you have sex - it's a much higher dose of hormones than the normal pill and it doesn't do you good to have that going through you all the time. Only use it if you actually miss more pills than the recommended amount and have unprotected sex anyway.

And yes, Elles is right, I meant two methods of contraception. I'm a Pharmacologist (kind of), I'm not silly enough to take two pills a day!
Reply 18
The leaflets that come with the pill in america have had those guidelines for a while now, i remember being surprised when my friend was telling me about it, if you google for american and uk leaflets for the same pills you will see.

I think the UK is more stringent about covering their backs!
Reply 19
And yes, Elles is right, I meant two methods of contraception. I'm a Pharmacologist (kind of), I'm not silly enough to take two pills a day!

Yet you put toothpaste on your midge bite