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Reply 20
I'm going to the open day on the 22nd too, but to Castle and from even further away (London). Journey will take 4 hours for me - how come it's the same from Manchester/Birmingham? What a crappy train service we have!
I'm going to the open day on the 22nd too, but to Castle and from even further away (London). Journey will take 4 hours for me - how come it's the same from Manchester/Birmingham? What a crappy train service we have!

Ehhh?! how come it takes you only 4 hours from london? Im like...3 hours north from london btw. Hmm i guess the midland trains are really crappy and slow then :biggrin: What subject are you doing there?
Reply 22
I'm from London too and it will also take me about 4 hours to get there and cost £40 on the train with a railcard. Ouch.
I'm from London too and it will also take me about 4 hours to get there and cost £40 on the train with a railcard. Ouch.

Yeah the cost is a pain. Also the journey taking so long! are you going on ur own? i am. and im guna be so bored and im certain ill miss the durham station lol.
Reply 24
the train journeys are the same because from manc n bham you have to go across the pennines and from london its straight up the east coast!! yep ken, im going on my own aswell n im sure ill fall asleep or somethin too! what time are u gonna get there, i dont wanna b a loner!!! hehe!!
the train journeys are the same because from manc n bham you have to go across the pennines and from london its straight up the east coast!! yep ken, im going on my own aswell n im sure ill fall asleep or somethin too! what time are u gonna get there, i dont wanna b a loner!!! hehe!!

Im gonna arrive at Durham Station at about 4pm Monday 22nd March. What about you? i dnt wanna b alone either lol ...standing there talking to a tutor for 2 hrs or something arrggh lol
Reply 26
I was going to plan to get there about 2.30pm. I can't remember whether we were told to get there at any specific time....
I was going to plan to get there about 2.30pm. I can't remember whether we were told to get there at any specific time....

Nah on the leaflets they say you should arrive before 6pm to get dinner. I thought i'd give it a few hours. Anyway, theres loads of trains, so ill just arrive at a time when everyone else is arriving :P but probably 4pm or so, maybe earlier
Reply 28
Hmm I don't know what time to put down on the form now then. I think I'll be better getting there earlier though, in case there's a problem with the transport or something on the day and I miss out on dinner. Especially considering I'm paying for it!!
Reply 29
I'm probably going to get the train which leaves Kings X at 9.30am and theoretically arrives in Durham at 12.28pm :smile: I figure that if I'm going all that way, I might as well spend some time there! Plus that allows plenty of time for delays and pootling around Durham again (I love Durham!), before going to the college for 5ish.

I'm doing Geography by the way.
Reply 30
I'm probably going to get the train which leaves Kings X at 9.30am and theoretically arrives in Durham at 12.28pm

I was going to get the 11:30am train- I want to make the most of getting the day off work by having a lie-in!!
I'm probably going to get the train which leaves Kings X at 9.30am and theoretically arrives in Durham at 12.28pm :smile: I figure that if I'm going all that way, I might as well spend some time there! Plus that allows plenty of time for delays and pootling around Durham again (I love Durham!), before going to the college for 5ish.

I'm doing Geography by the way.

I want to do geography at Durham, but in 2005 coz im only in year 12 at the mo! Let me know what its like! Are you doing BA or BSc? I want to do BA.
Reply 32
I'll be doing a BA if I go to Durham. I can give you a bit of pre-open day info as I went up there this summer... Durham the town is beautiful and the Geography department is really impressive - huge, very well equipped and very up to date.

Will let you know more once I've had the official tour + talk!
I'll be doing a BA if I go to Durham. I can give you a bit of pre-open day info as I went up there this summer... Durham the town is beautiful and the Geography department is really impressive - huge, very well equipped and very up to date.

Will let you know more once I've had the official tour + talk!

Ok thanks, it sounds good :smile:
Reply 34
I'm a current student at Mildert, felt I just had to tell you that it really is the best college. Seriously.

Don't get hung up on the food thing. Yeah, mass catering is never great, but Mildert has some of the best food in Durham, there's nearly always *something* you'll like, no matter how fussy you are. And the quality of the food and the hostility of the catering staff always make for great discussions during meal times!!

And lilsunflower, I've got a good friend at St Johns who really likes it. It's ALOT smaller than Mildert, which can be a good thing, and it's probably nice being in town. But whichever college you end up in you will think it's a thousand times better than all the others.
Yup when i went to Van Mildert open day last year, it was really cool. The lake/pond thing was a bit annoying tho, there was a whole load of weird flies outside the window in one of the middleton rooms!! lol. Btw gnrspurl, is middleton what most first year students get?
Reply 36
Yeah the cost is a pain. Also the journey taking so long! are you going on ur own? i am. and im guna be so bored and im certain ill miss the durham station lol.

You won't miss the station! Last year there was a group of students with loads of college banners and you'll find hundreds of people on yuor train going to the open day like I did!

It cost me £40 with a rail card from manchester!
Reply 37
Middleton is what most fresher's are afraid they'll get!!

But there are two more blocks (Tees and Tyne) which have just been renovated (Tees, my block, was finished a day before we arrived!) and Weir and Derwent, while not nearly as 'new' as Tees and Tyne, are better than Middleton. So the chances are actually against you getting Middleton (it has about 60 rooms and there are hundreds of freshers)

But to be honest, it really doesn't matter. The only big thing is whether you want a network connection or not (I know Middleton doesn't have them, and possibly not Weir and Derwent either - but they are gradually increasing the number of rooms connected). Other than that, though, you will always make the best of what you get. My block has very small rooms, but they are really really nice; consequently I would hate to have a bigger one. Middleton's are bigger, but there's usually something falling off. But that's just funny! (I know you might not agree now, but its different when you get to uni). There's a really good 'freshers' atmosphere in all the blocks, espeically the older ones. (and the windows of middleton were redone last term, which has made a huge difference)

(And as for the lake - you'll get shot for saying that here!! The lake (and, more specifically, the ducks) are our trademark!! The Mildert Ducks are famous throughout Durham!)

It's a standard answer to everything - but: "whatever you get, you'll love it".
Reply 38
Do you get a form to specify you want an internet connection?
Becuase it seems silly that someone without a computer could end up in a room with one, and someone else who has a computer could end up without.
Do you get a form to specify you want an internet connection?
Becuase it seems silly that someone without a computer could end up in a room with one, and someone else who has a computer could end up without.

Yeah i was told that you get to specify your preference as to whether you would prefer a connection or not, although they can't always give you what you want.

Oh, soz about the lake and the duck! I love them really, I guess it does make Van Mildert different to the rest eh?