The Student Room Group
Reply 1
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so what does it do?
Reply 3
The Pill is a tablet containing two female-type hormones an oestrogen (pronounced ‘ee-stro-jen’) and a progestogen

What these two hormones do is to stop you from ovulating (‘producing an egg’) each month. And if you don’t ovulate, you won’t get pregnant.

In addition, the hormones thicken the secretions round your cervix thus making it more difficult for sperm to get through. Also, they make the lining of your womb thinner, so that it is less receptive to an egg.

amazing isn;t it
Reply 4
oooooooooooh ryt i thort it stoped your period and thats how you dont get pregnant
Reply 5
You take it for 3 weeks and then have one week off. During that week off you do have a period, but it's more of a "withdrawal bleed" from the hormones than a proper period.
Reply 7
You take it for 3 weeks and then have one week off. During that week off you do have a period, but it's more of a "withdrawal bleed" from the hormones than a proper period

and is that why tey say it is supposedly meant to be less painful becuase it isn;t a proper period i took a pill which name began with a M i don't know the name it was something 36 i think, it made it worse!!
Reply 8
and is that why tey say it is supposedly meant to be less painful becuase it isn;t a proper period i took a pill which name began with a M i don't know the name it was something 36 i think, it made it worse!!


Yes, going on the pill does make some women's periods lighter and/or less painful, but that's just a side effect and varies from woman to woman. If it makes your periods really uncomfortable, mention it to your doctor and he or she can give you a different type of pill to try.
Reply 9
what does the pill actualy do? does it actualy stop your period or jus delay it? :confused:

neither stops u from getting pregnant at the same time decreasing period pain,lightening the period n making u have less spots n pms.please be careful if u're considering sex n get protection. :smile:
Reply 10
Also always best to use condoms as well because the pill doesn't protect from STIs.
Reply 12
damn i thort that itd stop my period- got a bit hapeee o wel il jus hafta live with it :mad:
Reply 13
I think it's just strange that there are 18-year-old girls that don't know the basics about contraception. I don't mean this thread specifically, I've seen others just like this before. Don't you have any sex education at school in UK :confused:

I don't mean to discourage people from asking "stupid" questions. Of course it is always good to ask if you don't know something, especially when it concerns sex. And the parents and teachers of the asker should be more ashamed of the lack of knowledge than the asker herself.
If you take the pill continuously, it will stop your period, but it's not recommended. Plenty of women run three packs together so they only have a period once every ten weeks though.
Reply 15
is the pill free from the doctors??

or is it best to go to the family planning
I think it's just strange that there are 18-year-old girls that don't know the basics about contraception. I don't mean this thread specifically, I've seen others just like this before. Don't you have any sex education at school in UK :confused:

I don't mean to discourage people from asking "stupid" questions. Of course it is always good to ask if you don't know something, especially when it concerns sex. And the parents and teachers of the asker should be more ashamed of the lack of knowledge than the asker herself.
We do have sex ed...

But perhaps some schools don't teach it as well??
Reply 17
is the pill free from the doctors??

or is it best to go to the family planning
Family Planning will be able to spend more time discussing it if you have any questions. But it is free on prescription from your doctor.
Reply 18
I think it's just strange that there are 18-year-old girls that don't know the basics about contraception. I don't mean this thread specifically, I've seen others just like this before. Don't you have any sex education at school in UK :confused:

I don't mean to discourage people from asking "stupid" questions. Of course it is always good to ask if you don't know something, especially when it concerns sex. And the parents and teachers of the asker should be more ashamed of the lack of knowledge than the asker herself.

Yeah, but to be fair, schools are supposed to teach Grammar and spelling too, and look at the OP...
Reply 19
noooooo i did know that the pill stops you from geting pregnant byut i thought it stoped ya periods too thats all i never paid attention to neting in school the teachers put me to sleeep