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Reply 60
hey Mike, thank you for the numbers, just logged on and copied them down, i'l let you know how I get on,


Did you get on alright? Hope you got the info you wanted!
Reply 61
kimberley ward
hi just a little bit of extra information on wsop(l) i came back from oasc obout a month ago and while i was there the careers officer told me that they only had one position for wsop(l) this year and none next year, not sure if that has changed because i have been found acceptable but am hold until january subject to competition but whilst you are there you can add further branch choices right up until your final interview so just thought people might like to know because i know if i had known before i went i would have looked into other branches a bit further for a second choice. unfortunately i was under the impression that the places were there and you were either acceptable or not so i hadnt really looked into anything else. i dont want to dishearten anyone from applying i just that it is quite dissapointing to find out that you do reach the neccessary standard but you might not get it because there are no places for you.

Don't worry, other WSOp(L) applicants. If one of you can't operate your "SHIFT" key and struggles to provide sentences with the appropriate number of full stops, then the rest of you have a chance. :wink:

Not meaning to be overly harsh, but first impressions etc, you know?
Reply 62
I phoned the AFCO about it today and they said their forecast up to April 2006 was fine and as far as they knew they would be recruiting for this branch still after that. Cheers Wzz :smile:
Is that the same number I gave you Mike? That guy is going to wonder why he is so popular :wink:
Reply 64
Ha, I nearly phoned that number today too if the AFCO couldn't answer me!
Oh dear lol. Was he helpful at all previously?
Reply 66
Never phoned before, they give me the number (assuming it's the same one) when I went on base visit to 55sqn. Instead I've just been bugging the life out of my AFCO (as usual - they actually recognise my voice now! :rolleyes: )
Reply 67
I think the people at my AFCO must roll their eyes when they hear mine.
Reply 68
Ha, I've been trying to think of an excuse to ring them again today, they'll probably be expecting the call... One of them is leaving to another AFCO soon, when I was there for my debrief he was joking that he'd finally be able to escape my nagging! (well, I hope he was joking! :wink:
An old AFCO I went through before remembered my application a year after they last heard from me. Not unusual, but the Army, Marines and Navy there all remembered me too. Their first reaction when I walked through the door was 'Oh god, not you again, haven't you been given a job yet!' Upon saying no, the Army tried to recruit me. Typical I think :wink:
Reply 70
Is that the same number I gave you Mike? That guy is going to wonder why he is so popular :wink:

No, this was a number I have got for the NCA liason team at Cranwell.