An organice compouds A containing one halogen atom was formed to have the following compostion by mss; carbon 39.9%, hydrogen 7.3%. bromine 52.9%.
On treatment with hot, aqueouse pottasuim sodium hydroxide, a mixture of three compounds ( B,C,D compounds ). Compounds B and C are strucutal isomers and do not have steroisomers.
Reaction of C with HBr forms mainly A but reacton of B with HBr forms mainly F, a structual isomer A.
Compound D undergoes reaction with acidified potassuim dichromate (VI) to form E.
Compound E did not react with Tollens reagent, but does react with NaBH4 to form D.
Draw structual formula for A to F, cleary explaining any essential reasoning.
A is C5H12BR
B i think is C5H12OH
C i think is C5(OH)H12??
dont no the rest any help?
E is i supose a ketone