ok guys, i've got this question here and although I know it shouldn't be difficult i just can't work it out;
there is a point on the line joining the centres of the earth and the moon where the gravitational field strength is zero how far is this from the centre of the earth?
M of moon=7.4 x 10²² kg
M of earth=6.0 x 10 >24 kg
dist between moon and earth =3.8 x 10 to 8 metres
radius of earth=6.4 x 10 to 6
radius of moon = 1.7 x 10 to 6
so far I have ; g= -GM/r²
into; M moon/(r-x)² = M earth/ x²
but just can't get any further and don't even know if this is right, i feel like such a dumbass. Can anyone help please?
I've tried using ratios and i kniow what the answer is as it's in the back of book, but not sure how to get it!