thats a bad way to think in my opinion, you cant move on if you are holding out that you will get back together.
I recently split up with my girl due to her being a boarding school and she doesn't think once a week, or once every 2 weeks, is right for a good relationship, so she ended it. She said "maybe in the future who knows", but i cant hold out for that, i'm moving on. If she comes back in the future, great, i'll date her again, but for now, other girls are what i'm after.
Have some time alone, you will feel sad, but it happens, when it happend to me, i thought "aww man, a month ago things were great!", its hard to get used to, but over time it gets better. Thing with me is, after a break up, i cant see the person for awhile, to help me get over it. If i kept seeing them as friends, it would be hard. So i told her for now i cant be friends. I think about her less every day and am excited about the future.
Good luck to you