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Stress/tiredness = weight loss?

Does anyone know if stress and/or tiredness can lead to weight loss?

I've been losing weight lately (six pound altogether) and at first I was trying; I minimised chocolate and carbonated drinks to ease my IBS pains. But ever since my body got used to that and the pains returned, I've been gradually increasing the amount of chocolate etc. I'm having. I'm not at the amount I used to usually eat each week however; it's a bit less (say not every day).

I'm not doing any extra exercise apart from walking around college as normal, walking to work. Since the darker evenings set in, I've been getting a lift home from work from my father, so that's even less walking.

But I'm still losing weight. I'm fine with it; in fact I wouldn't mind losing a bit more, but I was just wondering whether tiredness (because I am EXTREMELY tired) or stress can lead to gradual weight loss?

EDIT: I should tell you that it's been the past three weeks that I haven't *tried* to lose weight, simply because the dietry changes for my IBS wasn't working. So for the past three weeks I've lost about...four, five pounds. Six altogether overall.


Reply 1
After what you have described, I wouldn't think you should be losing weight - so there may be an underlying problem. It's probably best to go to your doctor and explain what's happened.

Stress can cause weight loss - but at this extreme, again, there's probably another underlying problem.

Tiredness = body working overtime = burning up more energy = weight loss.
But, again, if you say you are extremely tired - with no apparent reason why - you need to get checked out by a doctor.

Hope that helps a little.

Laura xxx
I know what you mean, its been happeneing to me to. Try and add up how many calories you eat in a day and see if it is around 2000 or unintentionally you are actually not eating enough.
By the way, is six pound a lot over just three, four weeks? I think it's perhaps gradual, nothing extreme, but I wouldn't mind another opinion :smile:.

I'll try that 2000 calorie thing, have a look at what I'm eating, and then if it doesn't all improve (after I say add few more calories to my diet) I might pop in to the doctor. Thanks guys.
Reply 4
6 lbs over 3/4 weeks isn't extreme - but it's probably about the amount a person would lose who was intentionally dieting.

Do you think it's possible that you're getting less calories? From your first post I assumed you thought your calorie intake was about the same.

Laura xxx
Reply 5
extreme tiredness isn't that something to do with meningitus? Get it checked out anyway just to be sure!
Reply 6
If she has meningitus, I doubt the only symptom she'd have is tiredness!
Reply 7
yeah i know but i was just saying its possible dw, probably isnt but it should still be checked out.
As others have suggested, you're probably unintentionally eating less. Maybe just more schoolwork is taking up more time so your eating habits have changed. Did you used to snack at all while watching TV or anything like that?
and yes, I very much doubt it's meningitis unless you're throwing up / feverish!! x
I seriously doubt it's anything bad like meningitis, but yeah I do eat in front of the TV, even now! It's weird. I don't think my calorie intake is anything different - I still eat about the same amount of calories as I did before I was even thinking about losing weight, but it's *slightly* less chocolate now, and more of other foods. I eat sandwiches a lot more now, with chicken or tuna, and often with lettuce or sweetcorn in it. So that's slightly healthier. But I think it's about the same amount of calories overall.
Reply 10
Does anyone know if stress and/or tiredness can lead to weight loss?x

Yes stress can lead to weight loss but it can also do the opposite.
Reply 11
thats prob. one of many side effects

hair loss, sleeplessness and many many more...
Reply 12
Stress and tiredness increase levels of cortisol, which is a catabolic hormone, so yes, they can lead to weight loss, but quite a high % of that weight loss will be lean mass as well.
If you are feeling tired without any reason and you are losing weight I'd suggest just getting it checked out by a doctor. Your iron levels may be low.

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