The Student Room Group


I dont really know where to put this thread but this place seems appropriate.

I have searched through this forum and have realised there are no threads on stuttering. I have a stuttering problem but not quite a severe one. I can usually talk to my friends and family without stuttering (even though sometimes i do). But when it comes to asking people I do not know for things (e.g. a bar, shop) I get really severe stuttering. I hate it so bad. Im just wondering if anybody else has this problem and any advice they can give me. Im not a nervous person, actually id say im more of an outgoing person so it cant be nervousness.


Reply 1
hey that happens to me sometimes- it happened when i was realy nervous like when i had to give a presentation or do a speech and i couldnt say my 'r's' but now im bit more confident and plus i try not to think of the audience as being there and also ive learnt to talk more slowly, that helped
i used to have that problem really badly. So badly in fact that i eventually got speech therapy and managed to overcome it that way. It'd take a while to explain here, so if you feel like pm-ing me i could go through a couple of the techniques i was shown. They are extremely helpful and really do make a difference
my brother (29 years old) and me (16) are the only ones in my family who stutter. He used to have it bad because of the shyness, and i used to have it in primary. Im also fine when chatting to family and friends but when im asking a teacher something..etc then i stutter :s: But i've learnt that it was because i was shy too :redface: You can also just stutter even if you aint shy. And the way imo to decrease the stuttering was before speaking/asking someone.. wait a second think it over and then slowly say what you want to say.
Hope that helps you out,
SCx :smile:
Reply 4
yeh just think about what your going to say and then say it. instead of just saying something on the spot making it up like you would with family.
Reply 5
Hi I have a stutter/stammer what eva u want to call it! Ive always had it.....passed on by my dad. Unfortunately I would class it as severe and I hate it! People always call me shy. there r plenty of support sites e.g and one of my favs is
u just join up and u get sent emails and every sunday evening there is a chat session where u can go and chat. sum ppl who r brave talk on there mics but others like me just type.
Reply 6
i *think* ive got a bit of a problem with it. Only started happening a few years ago but sometimes (about 1 word in every 500) i take 2 or 3 times to say. Tis very weird.
Reply 7
I mummble and talk **** often. It's similar, kind of...
Reply 8
I dont really know where to put this thread but this place seems appropriate.

I have searched through this forum and have realised there are no threads on stuttering. I have a stuttering problem but not quite a severe one. I can usually talk to my friends and family without stuttering (even though sometimes i do). But when it comes to asking people I do not know for things (e.g. a bar, shop) I get really severe stuttering. I hate it so bad. Im just wondering if anybody else has this problem and any advice they can give me. Im not a nervous person, actually id say im more of an outgoing person so it cant be nervousness.



I have the same problem sometimes, i suffer from anxiety thoe not sure if you do,
and so sometimes i will stutter when talking to someone i dont know or mess up my spelling when typing.
I think sometimes in your case it might be because deep down your not sure what to say and no matter how outgoing you are, your worried about making a fool of yourself,
thats why you aint like that with your family.
If its becoming a big problem for you thoe go and see a doctor they could give you advice for coaching maybe?
Reply 9
I dont really know where to put this thread but this place seems appropriate.

I have searched through this forum and have realised there are no threads on stuttering. I have a stuttering problem but not quite a severe one. I can usually talk to my friends and family without stuttering (even though sometimes i do). But when it comes to asking people I do not know for things (e.g. a bar, shop) I get really severe stuttering. I hate it so bad. Im just wondering if anybody else has this problem and any advice they can give me. Im not a nervous person, actually id say im more of an outgoing person so it cant be nervousness.



Have you ever had any speech therapy for this? If not, you may want to talk to your doctor about it so they can refer you to see a speech therapist. They can go over a lot of techniques, which include breathing exercises to help you overcome the stuttering.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, as help is out there :smile: