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Reply 1
I have been in the exact same situation recently, guy I had a crush on for a year, nice guy, loads in common - asked him out, found out he liked someone else and was partially involved with her ouch yes but the thing is if you're sure he doesn't have a gf and you if he's a nice sensitive guy then I honestly think you should go for it. If you don't then you'll just be sat around wondering if you'd had a chance and in the time you take to hesitate he could find someone else. Seriously I think you should just go for it.
Reply 2
Oh wow, i have the exact same situation!! It's so weird when you don't really know a person that much, yet you feel like you could easily be in love.

Just try talking to them, if your shy just ask stuff like "do we have maths hw?" or "who've you got for French?" and just try and keep the conversation going.

I'll be watching this thread to see what advice you get!!
Hmm... just read sorani's post. I think i also have your situation too, cos everyone thinks this guy is having a 'thing' a girl he's friends with... i'll watch how that develops.
Reply 3
if you're sure he doesn't have a gf and you if he's a nice sensitive guy then I honestly think you should go for it. If you don't then you'll just be sat around wondering if you'd had a chance and in the time you take to hesitate he could find someone else. Seriously I think you should just go for it.

Thanks - that's exactly what I needed to hear. I figured life's too short not to take risks, right? Even if I get hurt and embarrassed in the process. wish me luck!
Just try talking to them, if your shy just ask stuff like "do we have maths hw?" or "who've you got for French?" and just try and keep the conversation going.

See, I get on with him so well and we always have loads to talk about, even though he's a year older than me, which is why I think the feeling might be reciprocated...but I just don't know.
Just go for it. What have you to lose? You may get embarrassed IF he was to reject you but at least you may know where you stand and try to move on. On the other hand if he says yes then you'll be on top of the world, and it's best if you know what's going in. Be brave and go for it.
Reply 5
Thanks - that's exactly what I needed to hear. I figured life's too short not to take risks, right? Even if I get hurt and embarrassed in the process. wish me luck!

Good luck.
Seriously tho I did embarrassed (I felt crap that I didn't know he was with someone) and it does still hurt now because ya know I still really care about him but the thing is, at least I know now and plus he was so so nice about it when I told him and I talk to him in my lessons without awkwardness. Good outweighs the bad methinks.
Reply 6
*hugs to all* thanks ppl, that's all so helpful...I've been so miserable recently thinking about it so much, but I'm sure I'll survive if he doesn't feel the same! mwah xx
Reply 7
You seem to have made up your mind already but, for what it's worth, I think you should go for it too. There's nothing worse than thinking back over these situations and thinking "I wish I'd told him how I felt". Trust me - it's terrible not knowing.
Reply 8
Its worse thinking "what if.."
make sure u let us kno how it goes
Reply 10
Hehe I will...thanks everyone! mwah xx
technically if it ain't reciprocated its more lust than love but good luck anyway :smile:
Reply 12
What's the best way to let him know how i feel

The best way is just to tell him straight. Whether you're brave enough to take that plunge is another matter :p:
Reply 13
Dont do it, relationships with good friends normaly just screw everything up
on my old tsr account i posted something silar to this and just let it develop do not rush to tell him but just sart by getting closer thats my advice
Good luck :smile:

I'm in the exact same situation, but he's at uni in Birmingham whilst I'm still here in London. I see him quite often... But when I do, recently I've turned into the shyest person imaginable and start flirting with the guy standing next to me.

I have no idea what that's about... :|
Reply 16
you cant be friends with the opposite sex unless they're ugly
Reply 17
Ahh getting mixed messages now, am having doubts! Am so sick of wondering and trying to drop hints though, I think i'll just come right out and tell him. If I'm brave enough. Which I'm not. Agh!!
Take him ice skating thats always a laugh!! drop hints touch his arm n stuff, im sure he will get it :willy:
Reply 19
build a friendship with him and see how things go, make sure you don;t jump in all guns blazing screaming i love you i love you!!

get to know him and have a laugh with him!!