The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Nice excuse to f**k all! "It's all genetics, so back to my 3 hour lunch and a siesta". I like that.
Reply 2
maybe drugs company should come up with something
But laziness is know...choice. ADHD is *real*!
ADHD isn't being lazy.ADHD is having problems concentrating and focusing for more than like,2 minutes.
Reply 5
In what way are ADHD and laziness anything like each other? This is the most clueless post ever.
Reply 6
In what way are ADHD and laziness anything like each other? This is the most clueless post ever.

ADHD = Energy Abundancy.

Laziness = Energy Deficiency.
It really annoys me that no-one can have a bad aspect to their person. "He's not badly behaved, he's got ADHD." "She's not lazy, she's dyslexic." "It's not an excuse, it's a condition."

I'm not saying there aren't some cases where there is a genuine cause, but more often than not it's an excuse. I have a dyslexic friend, he's now doing a Biology degree at York University, so don't tell me it's impossible for dyslexics to read/write. I'm not saying it was easy, but he put in the effort and it paid off. And ADHD seems to be a codeword in some cases for 'little b*stard'. Laziness, bad-temper, violence, low intelligence, and misbehaviour are now almost taboo words, and a scape-goat is found for everyone of them. Even obesity is caused by genetics. OK, some people try hard to lose weight, and find it difficult, but thats certainly not true for every person (e.g. the person who sued McDonalds for making them fat) Instead of blaming a person, or better yet a genetic defect, so the blame is on something that is impossible to change, why not just be responsible for your own actions?

Rant over.

P.s. Sorry for going off on one there, but it's so annoying!
Reply 8
Since when have dyslexic people been thought of as lazy? :confused:
Reply 9
Actually I saw a programme on this and it turns out that being lazy is infact Good genetics. Its comes from primate ancestors when, if food was hard to come by. Animals that didnt waste energy were more likely to survive than those that did, because they required less energy and lasted longer than other, playful animals.
Reply 10
Woooh! :wink: