The Student Room Group

Applying to the University of Toronto

I got my guide to the application process at University of Toronto today and it says I need to send various things to them.

One is a photocopy of my AS Level results. I have my results, but its on a sheet saying my exact marks for each of the modules, which indicate borderline grades- and a couple are slightly embarassing! Does anybody think it would be OK just to send them a letter from my school saying what my exam grades were?

They also want to know the date of each final examination! Well, on the OCR website it tells me the proposed date of my Chemistry A-Levels (which are the most important, because thats what I want to do), but the Edexcel website doesn't give me any proposed dates for my Maths and Economics A-Levels. Again any feedback on what I should do would be greatly appreciated. :wink:

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be a good idea to send them my UCAS (which I am also doing but don't want to) Personal Statement and the flattering teacher references :biggrin: ?? (and maybe send them records of other achievements such as the UK Mathematical Challenge certificates etc.?)

Reply 1
Hey! I applied to U of T last year, but I ended up in the UK. Anyway, I might be able to help you with the application process since I went through it. However, I did the IB diploma so I don't know how much I can help you specifically with what scores you should send in. I think you can just send them what you want to send them, and if it's not specific enough then they will ask you for the details. I don't think they really need the personal statement (I didn't send in any kind of statement or essay), but the teacher recommendations wouldn't hurt! Are you doing the online OUAC application?
I got my guide to the application process at University of Toronto today and it says I need to send various things to them.

One is a photocopy of my AS Level results. I have my results, but its on a sheet saying my exact marks for each of the modules, which indicate borderline grades- and a couple are slightly embarassing! Does anybody think it would be OK just to send them a letter from my school saying what my exam grades were?

They also want to know the date of each final examination! Well, on the OCR website it tells me the proposed date of my Chemistry A-Levels (which are the most important, because thats what I want to do), but the Edexcel website doesn't give me any proposed dates for my Maths and Economics A-Levels. Again any feedback on what I should do would be greatly appreciated. :wink:

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be a good idea to send them my UCAS (which I am also doing but don't want to) Personal Statement and the flattering teacher references :biggrin: ?? (and maybe send them records of other achievements such as the UK Mathematical Challenge certificates etc.?)


Get your school to state your results, claim you don't have the sheet with the marks on it any more - if they ask you for the official certificates, tell them they'll have to wait until you get them, as they don't show module marks.

And just put June 2006 for the final date. If they need an actual day, put the 30th.
Reply 3
I am applying through the online OUAC system, now that I've done all that its just the results etc. I have to send in. How long did it take for you to find out if you had been accepted to the UofT or not?

Thanks for your help, Dr Blazed and me myself11 :smile: .
Reply 4
I am applying through the online OUAC system, now that I've done all that its just the results etc. I have to send in. How long did it take for you to find out if you had been accepted to the UofT or not?

Thanks for your help, Dr Blazed and me myself11 :smile: .

I sent my application in in December and I got an offer of admission in March or April.. Cant remember now but it was only a few months. Ahhh man I wish I went there, it seems like such a cool uni! Couldn't go cuz it was too expensive.
Reply 5
Wow, opposite situation. I'm from Toronto, trying desperately to go to uni in London! UofT is my first option if that doesn't work out for me.

I don't know if it helps for international applications at all, but I have quite a few friends at UofT. They generally applied early January, and had acceptances by April at the latest. I think that, no matter when you apply after about October, you'll get a response at about the same time as everyone else, ie. March/April. They do acceptances in two "waves" - March, then they see who accepts the offers, and then May or June for anyone who didn't get the first offer and that they have leftover spaces for.

Also, Canadian applicants have to send a "transcript" of their entire secondary school history and grades. If acceptance were based on that, I would never be accepted ANYWHERE. Luckily, they don't consider anything other than the six mandatory grades unless you're looking for early (December) acceptance. So, if you end up being required to send in the marks for your modules, I wouldn't be too worried about it being taken into consideration.

Also, UofT really likes to encourage international applicants, so they'll hopefully be pretty accomodating for you. And I'm sure Toronto would be lucky to have you! Good luck.
Reply 6
Thanks for the info satyricon and me myself11!

I certainly wouldn't be able to afford to go to UofT if I wasn't Canadian. I've lived in London all my life and I don't want to spend another minute here!

I can't wait to find out if I'm accepted into UofT because I'm finding Maths and Economics A-Level really difficult and that way I can be reassured that it doesn't matter if I fail them! Thanks for the reassurance satyricon :smile: .
Reply 7
I am currently at University of Toronto, I would encourage you to come visit and attend summer school here to see if you would like it, i am hating it :frown:
Reply 8
I visited the University last April and I loved it. The chemistry department seemed great and everyone there was sooo friendly! Why are you not enjoying your time there? I'm sure you have a credible reason otherwise you wouldn't have said that - I genuinely want to know!

Reply 9
When I applied to UofT like 3 years ago..I sent in my transcript with everything...all grades in my high school career (mind you, I went to school in Vancouver). They seem not to care if you had some bad grades, as long as the ones that count acheive that minimum they are looking for. Add in a few extracurricular activities and such...and it's alright. I forgot if there was a reference. I got in though...for business with a scholarship. If I could do it..I'm sure u'll be fine. =)
Reply 10
I just found out today that I got admitted to the UofT and I am soooo excited :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: - can't wait to go there! Just for people who want to know roughly when they will get their response in future years: I applied at the end of October 05 (for Chemistry) and they got my "required documents" (proof of results etc.) at the beginning of January 06 and I got my offer today (2nd of March 06).
Reply 11
Wow, congrats!

I'm still waiting to hear from them, but I don't think I can expect anything for another month or so.

I'm actually going in for a tour of U of T tomorrow. I've walked around it so many times because I spend a lot of time in Toronto, but I thought it would be good to take an official tour.

Well, maybe I'll see you there in September!
Reply 12
Well I also applied to the University of Toronto, I sent them a photocopy of my AS Grades certified by my local British Council.
Reply 13
ive applied to toronto, and they changed my application status from "file complete and currently under review" to "decision pending".....anyone know what decision pending means?
Reply 14
U of T so frustratingly changes your status to indicate that they have made a decision, yet does not tell you what that decision is. You have to wait to receive your letter in the mail :s-smilie:.
Reply 15
are the offers conditional or unconditional?
Reply 16
couldn't help but add the discussion. like newbyreborn, i am also at uoft, almost finishing up my second yr....pls pls make sure that uoft is really want to go cos i really disliked my two yrs transferring at the end of this yr....ive had at least 3 friends transfer at the end of 1st yr.... I don't want to make you less excited about your decision but when i was in high school, uoft was my dream school...and i left home to go there.... now i cant wait to get out of here..

anyways, best of luck.
Reply 17
Does anyone know when U of T gives its admission decision? I hope it is before May 1st.