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Reply 2
Foot Fetish.
Reply 3

"It is the most common form of sexual preference for otherwise non-sexual objects or body parts."
I know a guy who has a fetish for my feet, but I don't have such fetishes myself.
It's common, your still weird.
Depends on the number of hours a day you spend on xxx tube.
It's very common.

Feet are rank. :puke:
Reply 8
Original post by Roxannabelle

What? You don't like it when a guy is sucking them?
What about them?! Gonna stick one up your ass or something?
Reply 10
Original post by burgergetsbored
What about them?! Gonna stick one up your ass or something?

Nah, just want to rub my cock against them.
Feet are horrible. :eek4:

But nah it's not that weird to like them.
Even if they look like this?
Yeah, I have a foot fetish.

Kinda unfair how everyone can say it's "disgusting", when it isn't our fault... It isn't exactly acceptable to go around saying homosexuality is disgusting, is it?
Reply 14
Famous foot fetishists include Elvis Presley and Jack Black :smile:

Don't worry about your fetish whatever keeps you happy.
Original post by mirin?
Nah, just want to rub my cock against them.

Why?! There is a perfectly lubricated place to do that a bit higher up!
Most girls I know have said they hate feet, one even said that she'd rather just have a stump there, and they look like aliens on the end of your legs :rofl:
Reply 17
never understand why feet? are there people who are into hands too?
Reply 18
I love them!

My favourite unit of measurement.
Original post by mirin?
What? You don't like it when a guy is sucking them?

If you could smell my feet after a long day's work, you wouldnt wanna suck on them.