The Student Room Group

BUNAC - good or bad!!!

hey pplz
Im thinking of taking a gapyear and goin down under. Im currently traveling on my own, was thinking of goin with a company so get intro to others and having the important stuff such as visa, flights etc sorted for me.
I have flicked through loads of company and like the sound of bunac the best, was wondering if anyone else has gone with bunac and what was ur experience of them?
Reply 1
hey pplz
Im thinking of taking a gapyear and goin down under. Im currently traveling on my own, was thinking of goin with a company so get intro to others and having the important stuff such as visa, flights etc sorted for me.
I have flicked through loads of company and like the sound of bunac the best, was wondering if anyone else has gone with bunac and what was ur experience of them?
hey pplz
Im thinking of taking a gapyear and goin down under. Im currently traveling on my own, was thinking of goin with a company so get intro to others and having the important stuff such as visa, flights etc sorted for me.
I have flicked through loads of company and like the sound of bunac the best, was wondering if anyone else has gone with bunac and what was ur experience of them?

Katz, BUNAC was my choice for my summer camp experience this past summer, and they were fantastic.

Everything was clear, simple, and superbly organised. All the promises they made, they kept.

Pre-departure I had to attend an orientation in Newcastle, it was informative, reassuring, and answered questions that I had, and guided me through what remained of the process.

Visa process taken care of, they'll guide you through it. All I had to do was call the US Embassy in London and book the appointment, and fill in my own application form (which BUNAC wrote a guide for - telling us to ignore the Embassy's own documents).

The flights for me, to America were with Virgin and on the way back BA.

Any questions you have of them you can ring them and get an answer there, or email them and you'd get an answer within 1 day.

That was pre-departure; once you arrive you're looked after, and their literature is second to none; a few of my colleagues compared BUNAC Camp literature to CCUSA literature and it was clear that BUNAC knew what they were doing, and had plenty of experience to be able to give clear guidence.

Once I got home, the evaluation forms were waiting for me, (along with a brochure for this coming summer!), and they got the praise they deserved.

Go with BUNAC, I couldn't fault any part of how they handled my summer.
How much experience with kids did you have when you applied? - because i'd really like to do a camp america stylee thing, but i really don't have much experience at all...
How much experience with kids did you have when you applied? - because i'd really like to do a camp america stylee thing, but i really don't have much experience at all...

I applied for the BUNAC KAMP support area programme, but to my benefit did state that I had done some classroom assistance with Year 7's and Year 9's during my spare time in my A-Level years - so that when I got my appointment in the Accounts office, a good performance during orientation week meant that I got the chance to live with a group of 13 year olds, which was a bonus, as I thought I'd be missing out on this key element of camp.

After the end of my contract I stayed on and did a voluntary week and worked with less priviledged children from the New York metropolitan area; this was amazing, and from the offset of this week I had a group of 10 year olds who were my responsibility.


The application forms for BUNAC, CCUSA and Camp America focus in some part motiviation to work with young people, but in the most part want to account for your skills. It'll be the camps that essentially decide when they correspond with you during the staff vetting/selection process.
Reply 5
I totally agree with the posts above. BUNAC were really good to me when I did the Summer Camp USA program. I've got a friend who's just left for a year doing work Canada with BUNAC too and he's had the same excellent experience. All the panic over Visas etc is sorted for you and the BUNAC staff were always really helpful if I had any questions. I guess it's cause they've been around for so long! The group flights are definately a great advantage and allows you to meet other people in the same situation. We had already become friends by the time we arrived in the US! I hear that they're also really good at helping you find jobs etc when you arrive in places like Oz. Hope that helps.
Reply 6
im thinking of doing the same thing! in about august 2010, and bunac looks the best one
Reply 7
BUNAC are a great company you will have a brill time!
Reply 8
Loved going to canada with bunac over the summer! Do it!!
And australia is IMMENSE. Definitely check out Mojosurf camps!!!!!!
How much experience with kids did you have when you applied? - because i'd really like to do a camp america stylee thing, but i really don't have much experience at all...


Hmm you do really need experience with children! I done the Bunac summer camp usa programme for the last two years and had an amazing time. They do tell you that you need experience in a leadership role with children and be able to teach an activity sooo

But have you looked at KAMP? You get to work at a summer camp, but in the office, kitchen, maintence etc! AND you get paid more! KAMP is a fantastic opportunity to get over to america and gain some experience as its pretty common for people to do that one year, then go back and teach the second! Some of my pals done it and its really good fun!

There is also work america! There you would be working in a casual summer job (bar, waterpark, shop etc) thats also really good!

But if you do want to work in a summer camp I would defo check KAMP with BUNAC out :smile:
Reply 10
I was on BUNACs 'Summer Camp USA' programme this summer, found them to be great. The visa application help made the whole process bearable. I was at a camp in Maryland coaching Tennis (amongst other things), really recommend doing it next summer if you have suitable experience.